Sunday, October 21, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse - Part 8 of 8

Here's that last hit I get on Magneto, as well as all of the post-game dialogue for each character. Enjoy.


Whenever you beat any of the stages, you'll be able to fight Magneto. In the room where you fight him, you'll be able to fight him on platforms that go up and down to compensate for the fact that Magneto can fly around the room at will.

His main attack is a magnetic shield that protects him from damage as long as he isn't attack. He can also fly into you while it's active and knock you down.

He can turn off the shield and throw steel beams at you, but these can be easily knocked back and leave Magneto heavily vulnerable for a few seconds. Use this opportunity to swipe the steel beams away and deal damage to Magneto.

He can also throw a pink energy ball towards you, which also leaves him vulnerable. Wolverine is possibly the best character for counter-attacking against this, as you can dash attack and then turn around and hit him again with the Hyper Berserker as soon you fall off the platform. Other ways include Psylocke's Psychic Knife as well as any attacks from anyone that move your forwards. With Cyclops, you can get some quick damage with the Optic Blast; with Gambit you can throw cards at him; with Beast you can use the combo that you used against Apocalypse.

When you beat Magneto with any of the playable characters, you did it! Enjoy your ending! If you beat the game in one sitting, the ending will be extended.

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