Friday, October 12, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Mario Is Missing! (Super Nintendo) - Part 3 of 9

The magic moment is at 6:01.

San Francisco, California, U.S.A., North America

Golden Gate Fog Horn

Q - The Golden Gate Bridge was built in:
A - 1937.

Q - The Golden Gate connects San Francisco to:
A - Marin County.

Q - What color is the Golden Gate Bridge?
A - Orange.

Coit Tower Window

Q - On what hill does Coit Tower stand?
A - Telegraph Hill.

Q - What was the Tower built to honor?
A - The S.F. Fire Brigade.

Top of the Transamerica Pyramid

Q - The Transamerica Pyramid is earthquake proof due to its:
A - Concrete base.

Q - The Pyramid is located:
A - On Columbus Avenue.

Q - The Transamerica Pyramid was completed in:
A - 1972.

Moscow, Russia, Europe

Emperor's Cannonball

Q - Whose image appears on the cannon?
A - Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich.

Q - The cannon is the ________ in the world.
A - Biggest.

Ballet Slipper

Q - Alexander Gorsky is said to have introduced _____ into ballet.
A - Realism.

Q - The Bolshoi Theatre:
A - Sells out every show.

Q - Bolshoi is a city, a ballet troupe, and:
A - A theatre.

St. Basil's Cathedral Dome

Q - Who ordered the church built?
A - Ivan the Terrible.

Q - Holy Fool means _____ in Russian.
A - Saint.

Q - The central structure is _____ feet high.
A - 107.

Ludwig von Koopa

Now that you've completed the first floor, it's time to fight Ludwig. He won't even damage you, so just jump on his head five times to take him down and go up to the second floor.

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