Friday, May 18, 2018

HCBailly plays Terranigma - Part 7 of 75

We continue on to the fourth tower, which can be a little confusing if you don't know where to go.

Just east of Tower 3 is Tower 4. (This is northeast of Crysta.)

Tower 4 map by xyzbilliu.

Tower 4

No sooner do you enter Tower 4 that you'll run into the Guardian again. You'll fight three Cadets again, and this time you won't have to worry about hitting the right one. They'll also be good practice for the rest of the Cadets on the first floor, which drop gold bars - which means more gems - on the regular. The soul here will tell you that sometimes, you will have to take bold chances.

That bold chance is heading to the northern end of the first floor and dropping down into the pit, leading to the first basement. Don't let the Guardner suck you into a vacuum. If that happens, you'll be returned directly to the entrance of the tower.

There is treasure in the upper part of the first basement, but you won't be able to reach it quite yet. Instead, you'll have to travel down the four pits in the corners. Each one takes you to a different area, with the one in the lower-right corner taking you straight to the end. Explore the other three first; they let you access other parts of the second basement floor where you can fight more monsters - such as the red Huballs - for experience, as well as the stairs leading back up to the first basement where you can find a Magirock as well as a chest containing 44 gems.

To the left of the staircase from where you entered is a staircase leading to another staircase that leads up to the second floor. Explore the area for another Magirock (#10!) by crossing the ropes. You'll also find a M.Bulb and a Life Potion. Using the Life Potion will increase your maximum HP by 5 points, while the M.Bulb will refill even more health than the S.Bulb.

Cross the upper rope, go to the middle, press Up and wait for Ark to drop down. You'll go back down to the first floor, and you'll return to where you dropped to the first basement. Now you can use the pit in the lower-right corner. From there, follow the path and you'll end up in the top floor. (The pit you'll see along the way takes you back to where you dropped down to the first basement earlier.)

Be sure to explore the top floor, because you'll find a room in the upper-left corner of the floor that has a chest containing the Crystal Thread. You'll need this for later, so pick it up. Be sure to look around for Magirock #11 before you approach the door leading to the resurrection room. When you approach it, you'll be in a room containing the Dancing Huball Troupe. Attack the brown Huball at the end, then kill it. Continue this until the troupe is destroyed. Wait for a while, and the battle will eventually be over and you'll be taken out of the room. You can then enter the doorway to resurrect North America after seeing a starry sky above what looks like the Grand Canyon. More of the villagers will be unfrozen.

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