Friday, May 11, 2018

HCBailly plays Secret of Evermore - Part 24 of 31

In this entry, we enter Ebon Keep and catch wind of what is really going on...

All maps by Grizzly.

Ebon Keep

Well, we're done in the town, so let's go to the castle.

Ebon Keep Castle - Courtyard

The courtyard is nothing but a bunch of mice running around. If you need some more chances to level up that one weapon, however, go ahead and smack 'em. Especially if you're leveling up the Lance.

The two side doors are just a maze that doesn't really go anywhere save into the entryway, but you can also level up your newly acquired Spear here if you want.

Ebon Keep Castle - Entryway

You can skip this battle, but if you do and come back to where the boss is from there, you'll get stuck unless you turn of the power or reset. You've been warned.

The side doors here take you to that same stupid dark maze, while the stairway in the center takes you to a basement where you can find some alchemy ingredients in the chests.

Make your way across, and you'll meet up with the Verminator.

Boss: Verminator

Pound this guy with powered-up Lance attacks and Crush (Crush will do more damage than fireball). He will use Explosion, Drain and Acid Rain on you, and those can hurt. If you can rack up as much damage as possible on him, it'll make this a lot easier, since Verminator will cast spells rather quickly.

The Dog is useless in this fight, so don't bother keeping him alive.

When you beat him, you'll win 1000 Gold Coins and find a stash of 5000 Gold Coins afterwards. Nice.

Ebon Keep

You'll enter the throne room and meet...Queen Bluegarden. She's wearing a darker shade of blue this time. When you explain what's going on, she'll tell you that you met her evil twin and that she's the real Queen Camellia Bluegarden. She'll tell you what happened that caused the people of Gothica to move to Ivor Tower, then ask you to see Tinker (the man who escorted you to the throne room) and deal with the impostor Queen. She'll give you some more Call Bead spells that you can use.

On the right-hand wall of the throne room is a small hallway that leads to Tinker's lab. The monsters on the stained-glass windows, however, will come to life. They're really easy by now, though, as they're monsters you've fought in the previous worlds. Your reward is The Boy raising his weapon followed by a really cheap attempt at humor. Thanks, game.

Tinker's Lab

You'll finally meet Tinker Tinderbox. He'll let you look through the telescope, where you'll find out that the Queen in Ivor Tower was tricking you all along. (How you can hear from a telescope, I have no idea.)

Now that you've seen through the fake Queen's even faker nice demeanor, Tinker will tell you to go to the sewer entrance and break the barriers to the north. You can do that with the ax in the treasure chest in his lab. Go get it. You now have the Knight Basher.

There are also two spells here. One of them (Slow Burn) in is in the bookcase, while the other (Explosion) is on the table next to the chest where the Knight Basher was.

Slow Burn
1 Iron, 1 Brimstone

2 Ethanol, 1 Ash

Slow Burn gradually diminishes the target's HP (leveling it up can be quite awesome), while Explosion is...just that. An explosion.

Tinker will also let you buy alchemy ingredients if you need them.

There is a room west of the dining room. In the lower-right hand corner, you'll find a boy that changes into a man at regular intervals. If you win at his guessing game (the answer is random), he'll reward you with Super Heal, which lets you heal all your HP in one shot. If you get it wrong, you can wait a little while and then try again.

Super Heal
2 Ethanol, 1 Acorn

Ebon Keep - Dungeon

Here's the map, in case you need it again.

Ebon Keep - Sewers

Same here.

Now that you have the Knight Basher, you can break the stone barriers in the maze. Try it out.

Gomi's Tower

The part where you return to the barriers is dead simple. Just go north and break the barriers with the Knight Basher.

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