Saturday, May 12, 2018

HCBailly plays Secret of Evermore - Part 27 of 31

Now that we can fly around Evermore, we can head back to Prehistoria and take care of some business here...

All maps by Grizzly.

We're done here, so let's go get back to the fire pit in the Left Bank and head to the fire pit near the Bugmuck. Consult the world map if you need help finding it. (You can also press Select to pull a black-and-white map of sorts up, but having a color one is much easier.)

There is another one in the Volcano Path. If you land there, you'll find the remnants of the Sacred Dog statue in the landing pad.

Fire Eyes's Village

If you go to Fire Eyes's Village (which isn't shown here) and meet with Fire Eyes, she'll clue you in as to what's going on and she'll help you out on your quest. She'll also tell you to go meet Strong Heart, who has an awesome new spell for you.

Crash Landing Site/Strong Heart's Hut

Head back to the southern jungle and find Strong Heart. Talk to him and he'll give you Miracle Cure, which is a combination of Cure and Heal. Yeah, you'll be replacing Cure and Heal with this, leveling this sucker up, then farming money and alchemy ingredients to get more, because this thing is just fucking awesome. That is, if you want to. You'll probably have Heal adequately leveled up. But it's worth getting just in case.

Miracle Cure
2 Root, 1 Vinegar

Also, talk to Strong Heart as The Dog and you'll get the Spot's Collar, which is the dog collar for Omnitopia (the space world) absolutely free! Equip this sucker on The Dog immediately, it's much better than the Defender Collar.

Next stop, Bugmuck.

Village Exit to Bugmuck

Why walk when you can fly? There's a fire pit near there as well.


Go through it like you did Thraxx. Yes, you'll have to deal with the collapsing maze again. The only thing is, you're much stronger than you were at the beginning of the game...and you have sharp instruments. Remember to look for free alchemy ingredients, including Oil and Wax, in the Bugmuck. Free is good.

Boss: Coleoptera

When you return to where you killed Thraxx, you'll find a blue recolor in his place. This is Coleoptera, and he's much stronger...but so are you.

You fight Coleoptera the same way you fight Thraxx. This time around, you'll have some more devastating spells to deal with, as Coleoptera will usually cast Storm, Flash and Heat Wave. He can also zap you with an electric attack straight from his eyes. (At least he doesn't drop Maggots this time.) Since you have some strong spells on you as well as a spear in your hand this time around, you'll be able to hit the heart without going through all that trouble like you did with Thraxx.

Word to the wise: keep The Boy's health above 100. The Dog's, too, if necessary...pulling a Level 3 Dog Attack on [b]that[/b] still helps if you can situate yourself just right.

Like last time, killing the arms gives you extra experience if you need it.

When you kill this thing off, you'll get 4000 Talons. Now hack the cocoon that's inside where Coleoptera used to be and you'll get the Wheel. Next stop, the volcano.

Volcano Path

See? I told you.

Now just go south and exit the swamp area. Don't even worry about going through the maze. Since the volcano exploded, you won't be able to enter that maze full of Frippos ever again. :(

Remember how you got to the top of the Volcano and got the Levitate spell. Do it again. Now that the volcano has blown its top, the old man and the floor he was standing on is gone...and you'll land on that ledge with the gourd that you couldn't reach at the beginning of the game. Open the gourd up and you'll get the Gauge.

You're done! Now to head back to Gothica to fix the rocket.

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