Friday, May 25, 2018

HCBailly plays Terranigma - Part 19 of 75

We've finally found Liam. Now to help him pass his test...

Canyon map by xyzbilliu.

Once you've talked to Leim, follow him. You'll have to be slightly ahead of him so that you can destroy the birds that will try to hurt him. He will eventually stop near a boulder. Push it to the right, and Liam will leap onto it before leaping onto higher ground to continue his quest. Climb the nearby wall to catch up with him. 

Liam will then run into the nearby doorway to the right. Follow him in. He'll then be further to the right, but you can defeat the enemies leading north before you talk to him if you want.

As you take the path to the north, you'll eventually come across a maze. Wait for Liam to stop, then talk to him and he'll  follow ou through the maze. Take out the enemies, but don't go so far that he has trouble following you. Liam will stop again, and when you talk to him, he asks which direction to go at the fork. Tell him to go right. Once you make it out of the maze, take out the enemies on the way north.

You'll eventually come across an open field. Liam will notice it's full of enemies, and he'll follow you closely as you take them out. To the east will be a stone bridge. You must move across the platforms as Liam does, or else either you or Liam will fall to the ground below. It'll be you if you're too far behind, and Liam if you're too far ahead.

When you make your way east after this, you'll come across a huge chasm that you'll have to go up. Liam will jump from one platform to another, but you'll have to climb up the cliff. Liam will race you, and you're definitely not gonna win this one. Head west from here, and Liam will sense a monster. Go west again, and you'll face another one of those Mud Monsters. Unlike the other ones, this one will shoot at you from across the chasm. Liam will bring you boulders that you have to toss at it. Line yourself up with the Mud Doll, run towards it and throw the boulder at him. Block its projectiles in the meantime.

When you beat the Mud Doll, the mud doll asks for forgiveness and makes a bridge for you. When you cross it, however, you get sent down the chasm. The Mud Doll spares Liam after telling him that he will only face the pain of betrayal as he grows old, but Liam fights the Mud Doll. The Mud Doll tries to feign forgiveness again, but Liam finishes the Mud Doll off. All you can do is just watch and listen until Liam comes back.

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