Friday, May 4, 2018

HCBailly plays Secret of Evermore - Part 11 of 31

It's now time to head to the marketplace and trade for a whole bunch of stuff.

All maps by Grizzly.

Desert of Doom

Just to the left of the entrance to Nobilia is a spot where, if you stand in it, your character will spin around and lose a lot of health. Be sure to heal yourself when your HP runs low. After a while, the boy will say he's getting dizzy. You'll then get "Spin...spin...spin...wheeeeeeeee..." after a couple of minutes if you keep standing there, followed by "Gonna...gonna...hurl!" Keep standing there, and you'll eventually get sucked in the sand, receive 99 Rice and Spice, and then shoot out of the ground. You'll need these for trading in Nobilia.

Nobilia Market

Here's everything that HCBailly does here:

  • Exchange 3 Spices each for 6 Perfumes
  • Exchange 2 Rice & 3 Jewels each for 19 Beads
  • Exchange 1 Spice & 2 Rice each for 5 Chickens
  • Exchange 3 Beads each for 4 Tapestries
  • Receive Atlas alchemy from alchemist at the item shop
  • Exchange 1 Spice & 2 Perfumes each for 3 Jeweled Scarabs
  • Exchange 4 Spices & 2 Beads each for 2 Limestone Tablets
  • Exchange 5 Spices each for 1 Golden Jackal
  • Exchange 2 Spices each for 1 Spoon

  • Lift the northern rock with Levitate

  • Exchange 1 Tapestry to get Tiny to throw the rock
  • Exchange a Jeweled Scarab for a Stone Vest
  • Receive the Centurion Cape from the prophet
  • Exchange 3 Chickens & 3 Beads for the Jade Disk
  • Exchange a Tapestry, Jeweled Scarab, Limestone Tablet for the Ruby Heart
  • Exchange 10 Spices for the Obsidian Helmet
  • Exchange 2 Chicken, Jeweled Scarab, & 12 Spice for the Moxa Stick
  • Exchange a Limestone Tablet & 5 Rice for the Sun Stone
  • Exchange a Golden Jackal & 10 Spice for the Silver Sheath
  • Exchange a Spoon & 2 Tapestries for the Bronze Gauntlet
  • Exchange the Silver Sheath & 75 Jewels for the Armor Polish

You have only a handful of minutes before the crowd disappears to see the Sacred Dog statue. Your job here is purchase stuff with your Jewels and try to trade for as much stuff as possible.

If you talk to the fortune teller enough times, he'll ask the gods to strike him down if they exist. You'll have a choice of three things for the gods to turn him into: a chicken, a goat, and a basket. Press the B button when you reach this part, and he'll thank you for saving him from the wrath of the powers that be and reward you with a Stone Vest. If you've already gotten the Stone Vest from whoever is selling it before you do this, you'll get the Centurion Cape instead.

You should definitely get the Stone Vest, the Obsidian Helmet and the Bronze Gauntlet before the crowd disappears. There's a reason for that which I will mention a little later on. Don't worry about losing the Jade Disk, you'll be able to get it again later on in the game.

If you buy a bunch of pots, you'll find jewels in them at times. Also, sometimes when you buy a tablet, you'll find a rather strange inscription on them that The Boy will read. Weird...

Do not press B near the chickens over and over again. The game will warn you, and if you keep doing it again...well, you'll find out. You can also "talk" to the goats if you want.

The best way to stock up on trading goods is to buy some rice, spice and beads. Then, you work your way around from there.

If you have a lot of rice, you can get some Amulets of Annihilation from one of the booths. It costs 30 Rice for one Amulet. You can go down to 15 Rice, but if you go any further down in price, he won't sell to you again. If for some reason, you keep turning down his prices, you can get 3 Amulets for 1 Rice at the risk of not being able to get any more.

If you go to the right at the market, you'll see the city square where the Sacred Dog statue is. If you go south, you'll see a door. Go in.

The first thing you'll see is a spider walking into a pile of boxes to the right. If you walk where the spider goes, you'll see another Rogue. He'll give you the Atlas formula, which gives The Boy super strength.

1 Ash, 1 Atlas Medallion

The only place you can get Atlas Medallions from is from this Rogue. He'll sell you one for 100 jewels, but the prices gets higher and you can only carry a few medallions at any given time. It does help at times, though.

If you go to the left in this building, you'll get the store where you can buy Nectar and whatnot. Going south through the door across from him takes you to two store fronts you wouldn't be able to access otherwise, one that gives you Limestone Tablets and another that gives you Jeweled Scarabs.

There is a woman who appraises items at the southern end of the market. If you talk to her, you can sell your trading goods for jewels. You can technically get all the Jewels you need without having to fight enemies just by going to the market.

When you hear nothing but birds chirping in the background, go to the right of the fish seller's booth and press B at the basket. You'll find a bunch of Jewels. Awesome.

Go to the right, and not only will you be reunited with The Dog, you'll also be sent to the gladiator arena because the Sacred Dog (read: your dog) chose you to fight the champion. Fun.

Coliseum Entrance

To the north of the marketplace is the coliseum entrance. If you get a tapestry from the market and hand it to him, he'll throw it really, really long. Go back to Blimp's Cave and you'll finally see the rock land in that gap between the cliff and the area where those two pots are. The stuff inside those pots is finally yours.

Town Square

If you go east from here, you'll find the fire pit that you won't be able to use until later in the game. You might find some Ash around the fire pit, but that's about it.

If you go north from here, you'll find the entrance to the palace, which is locked to you. One of the statues here talks, by the way. Just get up to it and speak to it like you would a person.


After Tiny escorts you to the coliseum, you'll be in the locker room. Pompolonius will introduce himself to you, then he leaves and the door closes behind him.

The really crappy part about this section of the video is that they don't even show you the hidden wall. It should be on the right side of the room. Walk through it, and you'll find even more armor and useful items.

Remember when I said to get the Stone Vest, Bronze Gauntlet and Obsidian Helm before you came in here? Well, guess what? If you did, there won't be a Stone Vest in the pot to the left as well as the Bronze Gauntlet and Obsidian Helm in the secret room. Instead, they'll be replaced with the better armor - the Centurion Cape, Gauntlets of Ra and Centurion Helmet respectively - without having to go through the market again to upgrade your armor once more! Score!

If you've gotten all the armor including the Centurion Cape up to this point, the jar to the left that usually contains the body armor contains the Thug's Cloak instead. The Thug's Cloak is a charm that increases your evade.

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