Thursday, January 5, 2017

TheUtilityMan plays Little Samson - Part 4 of 7

The bosses are starting to not only get harder, but make up for the fact that the stages are short. We're definitely going a mile a minute now!

Stage 9 (continued)

The boss here is a flying skeletal horseman, complete with an undead horse.

For his first form, he just sends his lackeys at you, but you've dealt with them before. Use Kikira here, as you can charge your shots up and avoid his henchmen with the greatest of ease.

Finishing off the first form gets rid of his horse. It's just you and him at this point. After you hit him a couple of times, he's done. He'll just move back as he throws his daggers, then charge at you. That's all he does.

Stage 10

This area combines a lot of enemies from previous stages. The flying swords are back, but if you're playing as K.O., they won't even able to hurt him as long as he stays on the ground.

If you've kept all four characters up to this point, great. Gamm makes the platforming part with the spikes much easier.

The boss is a blue magician. He fights the same way as the last one, but his projectiles don't track you. When you beat him, he turns into a knight. You won't be able to hit him until he raises his sword, which either sends lightning down at you or sends flames traveling across the floor, both of which you'll have to dodge as you attack him.

Stage 11

The blobs are nothing short of nasty. They come out of the dinosaur skull platforms, move toward you for a second, then fly at you. They track where you're at during the flying part, you'll have to look for these things as you climb to the top.

The lizards that shoot out of the fire, shoot at you, then go back down can be destroyed. At least they don't respawn and return almost immediately.

The boss is a pink magician. This magician will shoot two fireballs in a double helix, teleport then repeat the pattern. Use Gamm to beat this guy as quickly as possible.

You'll then have to get on the blocks at the left side of the screen and fight a dragon. You'll have to hit the dragon in the face in order to damage it. You'll have to dodge to another block in order to get away from it if it draws near, as this attack is instant death. Despite being somewhat original, the game steals a page from Mega Man 2. If only you had Quick Boomerang.

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