Friday, January 6, 2017

TheUtilityMan plays Little Samson - Part 5 of 7

That boss battle took long enough.

Stage 12

There are now eyes bouncing around. Just like the flying eyes, they'll track you down and hit you. These eyes never relent, so you're better off just beating them into oblivion.

The darkened areas will light up when you get to them. Nice touch.

The boss here is a gold magician that throws around three-way shots. He moves around much like the other magicians, but when you beat this one, he turns into a Grim Reaper.

Use Gamm for the first form, and Kikira for the second.

Stage 13

Aside from the overabundance of skulls (both in home decor and enemy placement), there are also falling sets of spikes and fake tiles that jump back and forth. The fake tiles die after the third hop.

You're also in a dark and deadly castle, so the music for all four characters won't play here.

The spinning platforms will move you back and forth. Also, the blobs return with a vengeance near the end.

In the end, you're going to go up against a real magician...

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