Sunday, January 8, 2017

Rainiac plays Tintin in Tibet for Super Nintendo - Part 1 of 7

If I knew there was a Tintin game on the 8-bit or 16-bit consoles, I would have done it way back in 2011 when that CGI Tintin movie came out. Oh, well...

Anyway, here's an interesting source: one of the earlier Tintin adventures by Hergé - which happens to be Hergé's personal favorite - which was also adapted into an episode of the Tintin animated series and a BBC Radio 4 radio program. Enjoy.

Level 1

Pressing Down lets you walk into the foreground instead of duck. This lets you dodge quite a few things, such as packages that the people throw out of the windows as well as the kids that run around near the side of the train. Walking into the foreground lets you talk to people in the foreground. You'll have to jump over or wait for the steam generated by the engine, though.

The first man you'll meet will tell you that the riverbank is flooded, and that it'll be a three hour walk to Hong Kong from here.

You can only take four hits before you lose a life. The more rolled up the parchment in the upper-left corner is, the To get the golden apple and refill one hit point of health, take one of the parcels by pressing Down when near one and throw it with Y so it lands next to the slope leading up the wall. You'll have to land on a rocky platform situated between the slope and the main car, and you'll have to be dead center if you don't want to fall through it. From there, you can leap to the top of the main car and get the golden apple.

There is also a clock in the upper-left corner. When the hand makes a full rotation and the clock starts ringing, you've run out of time.

You'll also need the parcels for the tracks that are out ahead of this slope. Just throw one of the parcels in the area where there are no wooden tracks, and use it as a stepping stone to the other side.

From there, you'll have to land on a single wooden piece of track to get over another otherwise trackless area, then you'll see a kid drowning. This is your cue to jump in the water.

You won't be able to control Tintin's speed here, so pay close attention and avoid the barrels, trees and randomly appearing whirlpools. Some of the barrels will come out from behind Tintin, so watch your six. (Or your three. You know what I mean.) When you reach the kid, Tintin gets acquainted with him. You'll find out his name is Chang. (Chang debuted in Tintin and the Blue Lotus, another Tintin story by Hergé.)

You'll then advance to a screen where Tintin tells Captain Haddock about how he met Chang. Apparently this was a flashback to Tintin and the Blue Lotus all along.

Level 2

To avoid taking damage from the waiters, duck under them, then continue when they walk past. It's their plates that hit you, not the waiters themselves. If you go downstairs, watch out for thrown suitcases as well as dogs and cleaning ladies that walk back and forth that knock said luggage off of piles of suitcases in the first place, proving true that the general rule of thumb for the game is that if it moves, it will more than likely cost you a hit point.

Go down the second set of stairs to meet the receptionist. He'll tell you he gave a letter to the Captain.

Go back up the stairs and continue right. You'll meet Captain Haddock, who has a letter for you from Hong Kong. It's from Chang, who is arriving after a stop-over in Katmandu.

Go back downstairs and go all the way to the left. You'll meet Professor Calculus. The television he's looking at will tell you that the plane bound for Katmandu crashed in Nepal.

Tintin goes back to his room and falls asleep, and has a vision of Chang being alive in the snowstorm. This is enough for Tintin and Haddock to head to Katmandu.

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