Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Rainiac plays Tintin in Tibet for Super Nintendo - Part 6 of 7

A snowstorm is brewing, and it's getting dark...

Level 12

Wait for the avalanches to travel downward before continuing.

Some parts of the ground are collapsible snowbanks which crumble when you put your weight on them. Hurry past them quickly before the banks take you down with them! You'll also be dealing with boulders that roll towards you again.

The biggest problem, however, is the wind. Sometimes it will blow you forwards and other times it will blow you back. You'll have to use the wind in your favor to make some of these jumps.

About halfway through the level, there is a platform you can drop down to. Go to the left and you'll be able to enter a cave. You'll have to tread carefully here to trigger the stalactites and boulders that drop down before they can hit you. Like the bats weren't bad enough?

Once you make it through the cave, just run straight to the end of the right. You're done.

Level 13

Tintin and Captain Haddock both find a Tibetan monastery.

You'll see the Grand Abbott of the monastery, who wants you to go home. Feel free to go right past him and head down the stairs to talk to the man to the left, who tells you to listen to the drums. This is the instructions for the mini-game you'll see. There are two pairs of drums, and you'll have to play the patterns as you hear them in order to continue on. It's pretty simple.

Next is the chamber of meditation. Watch out for the monks here, as they can damage you if they run into you.

Go up the stairs and run to the foreground to avoid the kids running around. You'll soon see symbols on the wall. Pay attention to these symbols as you'll need to remember them for later.

Go up the next set of stairs and go left through the next chamber of meditation, avoiding the monks as you go. Go up the next set of stairs and talk to the man in the foreground. He needs help sorting out the library. 

For the library, the book on the bottom of the pedestal is a clue of what books should be where. Work on the yellow and red pedestals first, then organize the blue and green. You pick up the books like you would crates and similar items, and you can only carry one book at a time. When you do it right, talk to the monk again and he'll thank you.

Backtrack through the second chamber of meditation you passed on the way here and head down the stairs, then head to the right, which is now open to you. Go up the stairs and talk to the monk, who will ask you to place the symbols in the order they were on the wall you saw earlier.

Continue on and you'll find another monk. He tells you which bell has the highest sound, and which has the lowest. He wants you to find the bell that produces the specific sound he's looking for. Thankfully, there is a pocket watch you can pick up before the bell puzzle to give you more time to find it. When you ring this bell, you can finally leave the monastery.

Also, what is forg, and why do I have it? That's not important, however, as the monk we meet that can levitate while standing up has a vision of a yeti approaching Chang, who is indeed alive!

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