Sunday, January 15, 2017

takarifreak plays Hugo's House of Horrors II: Whodunit? - Part 5 of 5


Open the door to the left in the parlor. You'll see the cook, who is carrying a knife dripping with blood. She's making some Yankee Pot Roast...or is she? Go ahead and head back to the parlor, head back to the hallway. Go left past the parlor door to head to the other half of the hallway.

There are three doors. Open the second one. You'll meet Great Aunt Hester. She'll ask you to come to the table. When she asks if you want a drink, say yes, then read the letter on the table as she's fixing it. It is an attorney's letter involving the insurance policy on Uncle Horace. Watch as Hester tries to hold a conversation while drunk.

Head back into the hallway and enter the third door. This is cousin Harry's organ room. He just busts out laughing.

The policeman shows up now. It's not random, and the policeman finally shows up. All the occupants are here, including the genie, the snake and Doctor Who. (Why the hell are those three guys here?) Talk to the policeman. He'll tell you he can't find the body. Suddenly, Penelope think she's knows who did it. Type in "nobody." Cousin Harry will explain the mystery to everyone. He'll explain regardless, but typing in "nobody" gives a point. I'm assuming you have to beat the game in order to figure this out and get that final point. Finally, the game switches back to Hugo after Penelope wonders where he is.

Hugo is locked in the box, or laundry room, from the inside. There is a piece of newspaper and a pencil on the floor. Take them.

If you read the paper, you'll see the only unsolved part of the puzzle. The answer is "herring." But that's not important.

Put the paper under the door, then push the pencil through the keyhole. The key will fall out from the other side and onto the newspaper, and Hugo will be able to get the key.

Great Uncle Horace will show up. Apparently, he and cousin Harry were working on a play, and Horace asked for Hugo's help. This is what happened the entire time. We risked being poisoned by a snake, extermination by a Dalek, falling down a chasm, suffering a huge allergic reaction from getting stung by flying insects, and getting blown up by dynamite...for this?

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