Thursday, January 5, 2017

TheUtilityMan plays Little Samson - Part 3 of 7

These stages are just really short...

Stage 5 (continued)

The skulls that rise to the top of the stage shoot one skull upwards, causing three to drop down. You'll have to anticipate where those skulls will appear.

Stage 6

Getting through here with Kikira makes this stage easier.

To defeat the fish boss, hit at its face whenever its mouth is open. Use Gamm to deal damage, and Kikira to avoid the tail and its firepower.

Stage 7

The red and green platforms that disappear and reappear just turn invisible, so don't worry about falling while on the platform.

The pink skull that floats there and shoots at you before switching locations is annoying. Destroy it if you need to, but another one will take its place just as quickly.

The eyeballs just fly right at you.

The yellow platforms with the jagged undersides are fake platforms. You'll fall through them if you walk on them.

The boss here is a green skull. It splits into six green floating skulls, which converge into some macabre, evil spirit. Avoid it and its shots as you shoot at it, then shoot at the ghosts as they come after you. It will then disappear and repeat the pattern. Kikira is best for this one, as her fireballs do more damage and can hit from anywhere.

Stage 8

Here's an interesting tidbit: Gamm can walk on spikes unharmed.

Stage 9

The blue spirits will fly at you, while the green mini-wizard will try to hit you from above with lightning whenever they wave their capes. As soon as you see that ball appear above the wizards, you'd better be ready to move!

Due to this stage being an ice castle, there are obviously ice physics here. If you play as Kikira here, though, you won't be slipping around.

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