Saturday, January 14, 2017

takarifreak plays Hugo's House of Horrors II: Whodunit? - Part 3 of 5

Well, that came out of nowhere.

Now you have to cross the bridge. WITH THE MATCHES. This is how you're supposed to do it without touching the edges.

When you go to the right, you'll find out that the bees are moving around the bug zapper. Apparently, this is what the green button triggered. Since the bees are now out of your way, you can continue to the right. The old man you meet will drag you towards him with the wave of a wand. Guess what? It's the old man who asked Hugo questions in the first game. Before he can ask you question, Penelope will whack him with his wand and knock him out as he clears his throat. Thank you, game, for correcting what would have destroyed this game.

To the south of here is a well. There's nothing you can do here, so go east of the old man. You won't be able to avoid the snake when it bites you, so just take the upper path to the right. When you make it to the next screen, drink from the bottle. It's the antidote to the snake's poison, which will kill you if you don't.

There is a doghouse with a dog inside. Go up to the pile of sticks to the left of the doghouse and throw the stick. Look inside the doghouse when you get rid of the dog and you'll find a stick of dynamite. Take it.

Go back and take the lower path, avoiding the snake. Use the phone booth. The policeman will say he'll meet you at the living room of the house at 6 o'clock. Fun.

It's not mentioned here, but if you go to the left of the phone booth, you'll see graffiti on the wall. If you read it, it says "For an out of this world experience, call 1-800-333-HUGO!"

If you type in "dial" and type in "1-800-333-HUGO," the game takes you to some "Doctor Who" scene on the planet Retupmoc instantly. Quickly fire the gun to kill the Dalek. The Doctor (who I'm assuming is Tom Baker) gives you a sonic screwdriver. I'm not making any of this up. I swear.

Get back in the police box/spaceship, and you'll be back where you originally were. Head back to the old man and go south to the well. (The snake will not bite you a second time.) Climb down the rope with "climb rope," then walk to the boulders that block your path. Drop the dynamite you just got, light it, then climb back up the rope. If you don't leave fast enough, the dynamite will kill you.

When the explosion occurs, go back down the rope and go through the hole in the wall you just cleared. You are now at a fork in the road...

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