Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Rainiac plays Tintin in Tibet for Super Nintendo - Part 5 of 7

...and now for the most unkindest level yet.

Level 11

Before the three men get prepared, Tintin sees a yellow scarf on a rock cliff. Tharkey backs out, but Captain Haddock goes with him.

This time, you'll be climbing a mountain...literally. You can switch between the Captain and Tintin with the B button in order to get around. Press Y to use the pick of the character you're about to switch from to avoiding falling off the side of the cliff with the other. Beware, as the pick does not last forever and the character you're not controlling will eventually take it out of the side without warning. If one character falls and takes the other with him, you lose a life.

Despite how long the rope looks, don't stray too far from the other person. This will cause you to fall off and start swinging around if one person has the pick dug in. Otherwise, you're dead.

Also, if you grab onto the snow, you'll let go and fall. If the character you're not controlling is using the pick, you'll swing from side to side and you'll be able to grab onto some dry land. Just be careful.

Make your way to the top-right corner of the level before you get to the top-left where the scarf is. You'll get a stopwatch that gives you more time to get through the level.

When you touch Chang's scarf, you'll end the level.

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