Friday, January 13, 2017

takarifreak plays Hugo's House of Horrors II: Whodunit? - Part 2 of 5

A maze? Now? *sigh* Okay, okay...

Head back to the back door that leads to the kitchen, then go right. These Venus fly-traps will definitely incapacitate you for good if you get too close. Save often, and go around them carefully. To do that, you'll want to go to the right a little bit. When you get past the first three flytraps, go down, then go right again. From here, you should be able to go up and left to get the magnifying glass. Again, save often.

Get out of that demonic garden from where you originally entered it, then head south and enter the shed. When the gardener wants to kiss you, eat the garlic. He'll run away immediately. Look at the buttons on the console he was guarding. The green button only says "b*g *a*pe*" as the lettering is very faded. Press the green button, then press the blue one. You'll hear a faint rumbling noise in the distance. Unless you've been where the bees are at, the button won't work.

Head out and go west. You've obviously seen this gate before, but it's open now that you've pressed the blue button. Go through the gate and you'll be in the hedge maze.

North, east, east, north, north, west, west, south, west, north, north.

Pick up the gun.

North, west, north, north, east, south, east, south, east, north, north, east, east, east, south. 

Pick up the bell.

North, west, west, west, south, south, west, west, south, west, west, west,

Pick up the bottle.

East, east, east, north, west, west, west, north, west, north, west, south, south, east, south, south, south, east, north, east, east, south, south, west, west, south, south.

You're back at the entrance and you're out!

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