Tuesday, December 6, 2016

NintendoCapriSun plays Mega Man 6 - Part 4 of 12

We finally make some more progress...

Knight Man (continued)

Knight Man jumps around and throws his mace at you. You'll want to jump over his mace and shoot him while's he's got it pulled out, as that's the only way you're going to hit him. You can also hit him from behind while he still has his shield up.

You need not jump up so that your Mega Buster goes over his weapon, as it can go through it and hit them. This makes it easier. You can also hit him with the Yamato Spear for more damage. It also goes through his defenses and can hit him even when he's standing still...so use it!

Beating Knight Man gives you the Knight Crusher (Knight.C). It works like you'd expect it to: just use it to shoot out a mace head.

Now I'm going to have to copy and paste the Centaur Man stuff up to a point, so forgive me if you've read some of this before.

Centaur Man

There's gonna be a lot of water, so you'd better be used to moving around in Dive Man's stage at this point.

The pelican robots spit robot fish at you. You'll have to take both of these things down. Also, the robots that drop from the sky just sit there in the water until you either take them out or they explode into three pieces of shrapnel that travel up the screen like a three-way shot. The one you see before you go underwater comes out before you jump up the platform leading to the pit that leads down to the water, and if you hug the wall, the robot will come out and is vulnerable from there.

The fish are the same ones we've seen jump out of pits, but they just quickly move back and forth here.

The wall turrets can shoot diagonally at you, and they can also track you. We've seen something much like this in the last game.

You'll then get out of the water...but the water will be rising and lowering from the ceiling. These are some pretty weird physics. You'll have to use the water to jump over some of the spike pits here.

If the raft robots have nowhere to land (for example, they hit a ceiling before landing head-first on the ground), they'll explode.

The submarines fly around on clouds until either one of two things happen: you shoot them or they hit a wall. They will then land in the water and try to track you, shooting a weak pellet that then drops towards the ground shortly afterwards. Get rid of them if you can, as having a few of them trying to track you once is slightly irritating at best.

There are two exits at the end. We'll be using the bottom one first, as the top one isn't available yet. Both lead to the boss, but the top exit leads to something we won't be able to get to yet.

Centaur Man will run to one side of the room, then shoot a bullet that will split into seven individual ones when it hits the wall. You'll want to slide under the bullets and hit Centaur Man with the Knight Crusher. He'll also freeze you in place with a flash of the screen. This is the Centaur Flash, which is his best weapon. It's much like the Flash Stopper from the second game.

Centaur Man can also teleport out of the room and reappear in a different location a few seconds later. If he disappears, stay on the move to minimize your chances of being hit.

Beating Centaur Man will give you the Centaur Flash (C.Flash). It works just like Centaur Man's version of the same weapon, except it doesn't freeze and does instant damage when you use it.

Wind Man

The panda robots shoot black balls at you that track your current location, and alternates between the black balls and the regular bullets. Stay on the move as you destroy them.

The turrets with the rotor blades underneath hover up and down as they shoot red balls at you. These balls will explode when they hit the ground.

The fans on the ground will take you sky high! Use them to reach ladders that you can't normally get to, but watch out for spikes later in the level.

The platforms with the green thing next to them turn over as soon as you land on them. When you get on them, jump again immediately to the other side and continue on your way.

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