Monday, December 5, 2016

NintendoCapriSun plays Mega Man 6 - Part 3 of 12

The fact that NCS had not played through this as much as the first five games shows as the game keeps kicking his ass...

Plant Man (continued)

You'll be making much higher jumps on the springs now. As you did before, be sure to wait at the edges for fish.

To use the blue platforms, shoot them to open them. You can then use them like you normally would.

The flashing dots on the purple flowers in the trees are actually small health pick-ups.

You'll see one of the turrets bouncing up and down on the springs. Very funny, game.

Plant Man is really easy. He just jumps off of walls and shoots his shield at you. You read this right. It's another shield weapon. He is the easiest to take out with the Mega Buster, and if you stand in a corner, you won't have to worry about him. His weakness is the Blizzard Attack. As always, wait for him to shoot the shield away, then avoid it and blast him before the shield appears again.

Beating Plant Man gives you the Plant Barrier (Plant.B). It works just like a barrier. You'll also get the Rush Jet Adaptor, which can let you hover forward while pressing B during a jump.

Tomahawk Man

The cowboy robots just stand there and shoot bullets at you. They're easy to take out.

To take out the Mettaur dispensers, shoot at the area between the globe full of the Mettaurs and the part where they come out. The Mets will jump towards you and shoot as they do so, but they're easy to deal with.

Hit the drill tanks with a fully charged Mega Buster shot to make getting rid of them easier.

After you meet Eddy, you'll see a pretty nice sunset.

The "caterpillar" NCS mentions is a low-lying robot on wheels. Hit it with a charged shot.

Shoot down the second Mettaur dropper from the right. You'll still have to deal with the Mettaurs, but the dispenser will be easier to hit.

You'll soon see an upper path and a lower path. The upper path doesn't lead to anything that we can get at the moment. The lower path also leads to something, but we won't cover it just yet.

The flying robots that look like knight's helmets as well as the skull robots on spider legs will both track you. The former shoots downwards while the latter runs into you.

Tomahawk Man has two attacks: shooting feathers from his headdress and the tomahawk throw. The feathers go straight ahead while the tomahawks go into an upward arc shortly after he throws them. You do not want to be in the air when he throws these. He also jumps around, too.

When he's not attacking (or if he's in the air), use the Plant Barrier against him to do the most damage. You won't be able to shoot it, and it only disappears when it hits Tomahawk Man, so keep your health high so you can kill him off with it.

If you're in close when he does the feather tossing attack, you'll be able to jump clear over all three of them if you time it right. Otherwise, use your slide.

You might need some energy tanks for this one.

Beating Tomahawk Man will award you with the Silver Tomahawk (Silver.T).

Knight Man

To get rid of the barrel robots, shoot a Mega Buster shot at the barrel, then shoot at the robot when he peeks his head out. Avoid the pellets that it chucks at you as you do so.

Be careful around the spiked ceilings that slowly come down. They come back up very quickly, so you'll want to be ready to make your move when you either need to jump or come out of a safe spot.

The shield turrets are back. They shoot once at an angle, then shoot again straight ahead. You've seen this type of robot before, so hit them when the shield is up.

The wheels that turn are conveyor belts. Pay attention to which direction they rotate so you can see which direction they'll send you before you get on them.

The short robots that look like they're wearing graduation caps and glasses just walk back and forth. If you hit them once, however, they'll drop their glasses, get ticked off and rush right at you. Hit them again to take them out.

You'll need Rush Coil to get that energy tank.

The robot with spider legs can walk on ceilings and come down to the floor in their efforts to walk into you.

The green circles act like springs. They'll bounce you up and down as you run into them. Watch out for the low-lying spike robots.

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