Sunday, December 18, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Mega Man II for Game Boy - Part 2 of 4

We're at Wily's Castle already?

Air Man (continued)

Avoid the tornadoes Air Man shoots at you as he blows you back by jumping over and sliding under them, and hit him with the Leaf Shield. The weakness weapons are really overpowered here.

Beating Air Man gives you Air Shooter, which shoots three tornadoes into the air. You also get Rush Jet, which lets you fly around as long as you have energy for it. The controls are the same as Mega Man 3: just use the Control Pad to go where you want to go after you jump onto Rush.

Clash Man

Nope, it's not Crash Man, it's Crash Man.

Once again, this is similar to the NES's counterpart stage. You have platforms running on tracks, you have those spinning cylinder robots that slowly fly towards you, you have the "can stack" robots that you have to shoot in the face and dodge the body segments that it hurls at you...yep, nothing's different around here.

Use Rush Jet to get the Energy Tank after the checkpoint.

The "Oil Can" robots that can aim forward at angles of their choosing are from Flash Man's stage on the second NES game. Since Flash Man was in the first Game Boy game and didn't have a stage, this is the only part of the game where they will appear.

When you climb one of the two ladders near the end that leads to three ladders, climb the right ladder for another Energy Tank.

To beat Clash Man, shoot the Air Shooter when he's almost right in front of you, then run under him so you'll dodge the Crash Bomb that he shoots to the floor. Rinse and repeat.

Beating Clash Man gives you the Clash Bomb, which lets you shoot bombs forward. The bombs can stick to walls and stay there for a few seconds before they explode. You'll also get Rush Coil, which allows you to use Rush as a springboard to a higher platform.

Dr. Wily's Castle

When you beat all four Robot Masters, you'll enter Dr. Wily's castle...only to fall right into a trap. You'll then choose between four teleporters.

Hard Man

The upper-left teleporter takes you to Hard Man's stage.

The Energy Tank at the beginning is dead easy to get.

The bees drop cocoons that split into five bees that fly straight for you when the cocoon hits the floor.

Watch for any part of the floor with vents in them, as they contain clap-trap like robots that spring out and chomp at Mega Man's legs. Keep going forward and just walk (or keep jumping forward if you need to) to get past them. Sliding will put you in a vulnerable position just long enough before you actually slide to let them make a meal of you.

Wait for the Joes with the ball on a chain to open their eye before shooting them, and dodge the ball and chain accordingly.

The monkeys from Wood Man's NES stage don't show up until the middle of Hard Man's stage. They'll drop down from the ceiling and follow you as soon as you walk under them, so be ready to strike. If you can hit them while they're still hanging on the ceiling, good for you.

The Mets on bulldozers are from Top Man's stage on the third NES game. Shoot the Mets to get rid of them and their implements of destruction.

Hard Man will shake the ground with his jumps (and freeze you no matter what). He also shoots his fists at you, which return like boomerangs. He's the easiest to beat with the Proto Buster out of the four Wily Fortress Masters.

Beating Hard Man gives you the Hard Knuckle.

Top Man

The upper-right teleporter takes you to Top Man's stage.

The frog robots that leap up and down (from Shadow Man's stage, which appears in the next Game Boy game) are easy to shoot down. Just takes one shot.

The disappearing/reappearing blocks are back, and now you have to deal with water physics at the same time. The second to last block is the worst, as it has the tendency to disappear before you have time to jump to the last one.

The robots that stand there and shoot to the sides can be taken care of after they stop shooting.

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