Wednesday, December 7, 2016

NintendoCapriSun plays Mega Man 6 - Part 6 of 12

It's time to face some bosses NCS couldn't take down the first time...and knock 'em out.

Plant Man (continued)

Let's focus once again on those cracked blocks that block our path to things and passages. Now that you have the Rush Power Adaptor, you can break them. To do that, pause the game to enter the weapon select menu. Then go up until the picture of Mega Man with the word "Norm" above it is in color, signifying that you've got it highlighted. From there, you can choose the Rush Power Adaptor as you normally would the special weapons.

Unlike other games, where Rush showed up and helped perform a rather convenient services for you just as being a platform that moves you forward or a spring to leap to high areas, this time around Rush serves solely as two types as armor that can be used to find alternate paths and fly for brief periods of time.

From there, just charged up the Power Adaptor like you would the Mega Buster. A fully charged shot will destroy the blocks. You can also take on regular enemies with it, too. Unfortunately, the armor is too bulky to allow you to slide.

Plant Man is really easy. He just jumps off of walls and shoots his shield at you. You read this right. It's another shield weapon. He is the easiest to take out with the Mega Buster, and if you stand in a corner, you won't have to worry about him. His weakness is the Blizzard Attack. As always, wait for him to shoot the shield away, then avoid it and blast him before the shield appears again. You can also use the Flame Blast to hit him, as it does slightly more damage than the Mega Buster.

Beating Plant Man gives you the Plant Barrier (Plant.B). It works just like a barrier. You'll also get the Rush Jet Adaptor, which can let you hover forward while pressing B during a jump.

Tomahawk Man

The cowboy robots just stand there and shoot bullets at you. They're easy to take out.

The Rush Power Adapter is very useful here. The last cracked barrel before you drop down at the beginning contains an energy tank.

To take out the Mettaur dispensers, shoot at the area between the globe full of the Mettaurs and the part where they come out. The Mets will jump towards you and shoot as they do so, but they're easy to deal with.

Hit the drill tanks with a fully charged Mega Buster shot to make getting rid of them easier.

After you meet Eddy, you'll see a pretty nice sunset. Guess what? We have the Rush Jet Armor. Press B in mid-flight and you'll fly up to the latter above. Just watch the energy gauge to the left of your health meter. That's how much juice you have in your jets before gravity works against you. Thankfully, it recharges quickly as soon as you land. When you reach the end of this alternate path, you'll get a large weapon pick, a large energy pickup and an energy tank. This is probably the best energy can to get in the game if you want to stock up...assuming you don't mind playing the same stage over and over again to do it.

Another thing worth mentioning is that you have access to the Mega Buster with the Rush Jet Adaptor. The only drawback is that you can't charge the weapon up.

The "caterpillar" NCS mentions is a low-lying robot on wheels. Hit it with a fully charged shot.

Shoot down the second Mettaur dropper from the right. You'll still have to deal with the Mettaurs, but the dispenser will be easier to hit.

You'll soon see an upper path and a lower path. We're taking the lower path this time. Use the Rush Jet Adaptor to float at the top of the bottom path and make your way to solid ground, avoiding the shield robots. This path is an alternate path to the boss...and the real Tomahawk Man. Here's an explanation.

Four of the levels - Tomahawk, Centaur, Knight and Yamato Man - all have four letters. These letters spell out the word "Beat." These levels also have two versions of the bosses. They fight exactly the same, but both are different locations. The locations that involving use the Rush Jet or Rush Power adaptors are the harder ones to reach and are therefore the ones that contain the letters, which are held by the "real" versions of the boss.

With all four of these letters, you'll be able to summon Beat. He basically does the same thing he did in the last game: he flies towards nearby enemies and runs into them, taking them out. Just like last time, this attack has its own weapons energy, and if it runs out, Beat can't do anything.

The flying robots that look like knight's helmets as well as the skull robots on spider legs will both track you. The former shoots downwards while the latter runs into you.

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