Sunday, December 4, 2016

NintendoCapriSun plays Mega Man 6 - Part 1 of 12

Welcome to the final NES Mega Man game! In this installment, Mr. X shows up and reveals he's been bossing Dr. Wily around and making him do everything from the first five games the whole time, which just seems really convenient.

Also, watch as NCS doesn't beat either boss, due to this being a blind run. This makes this much different from his runs through the first five games.

Yamato Man

Welp, the finalists of the first annual robot competition are the Robot Masters here.

Guess what? The first one we fight is based on a samurai. I believe so, anyway. The word "Yamato" is basically an embodiment of Japan itself. It was originally the name of a Japanese province which was the center of politics and culture, and has since been used for all sorts of things beyond that, from people to battleships.

Love how Mega Man's walk cycle is twice as fast as it was in the last five games.

The yellow robots that shoot out balls at the beginning are easy to take out. The balls bounce, but you can shoot them down too.

There is a cracked barrel to the right of the first ladder, but you won't be able to break it yet.

The spear warriors will twirl their spears before they throw them...and the spears still spin around like helicopter blades. You can only hit them when they're pulling out another spear, so you're going to be doing quite a bit of jumping before you can beat these guys.

The dragonflies (or what look like dragonflies) drop bombs near you. It's distance based, and it only looks like they're dropping it on you because you keep moving towards them when you shouldn't.

You'll come across huge robot with two AT-ST-like legs that shoot lasers at you. Hit them in the flashing eye on the head to get rid of them.

Unlike the last few games, you don't start out with any Rush abilities, so forget about taking alternate paths for the moment.

The turrets shoot regular bullets. Watch out near the pits with the water at the bottom, as fish will jump out of them when you get close to the edge. Once again, skirt the edge to trigger their attack.

The oval-shaped robots with rotors are only vulnerable when they open their eye, look around and move towards you. Take care of them quickly.

The robots walking on the ceiling that look like upside-down oil cans will shoot straight down when you're near them. The bullets are easy to avoid. If you can take them out from a lower level by jumping and shooting, do it.

Yamato Man has two attacks. One has him jumping into the air while twirling his spear around, shooting a three-way shot at your present location. The other one has him shooting his spearhead at you while on the ground. Even if you avoid it, you'll have to avoid him as he has to retrieve his spearhead the old-fashioned way after he shoots it, which leaves him open to attack as he runs to it. He'll alternate between these two attacks at random.

Unless you've gotten the Silver Tomahawk from Tomahawk Man (or energy tanks, for that matter), you're going to have a hard time.

Beating Yamato Man gives you the Yamato Spear (Y.Spear), which works much like the spearhead throw attack.

Centaur Man

There's gonna be a lot of water, so you'd better be used to moving around in Dive Man's stage at this point.

The pelican robots spit robot fish at you. You'll have to take both of these things down. Also, the robots that drop from the sky just sit there in the water until you either take them out or they explode into three pieces of shrapnel that travel up the screen like a three-way shot. The one you see before you go underwater comes out before you jump up the platform leading to the pit that leads down to the water, and if you hug the wall, the robot will come out and is vulnerable from there.

The fish are the same ones we've seen jump out of pits, but they just quickly move back and forth here.

The wall turrets can shoot diagonally at you, and they can also track you. We've seen something much like this in the last game.

That's as far as he goes, though, as the spikes just keep giving him trouble.

Flame Man

The shallow water in some spots are actually oil.

The Mettaurs are back! Yay! You should know how to handle them by now: shoot at them when they stop hiding in their hats, and don't get shot yourself!

The spinning red robots that fly through the air stop and shoot flames downwards. If you're in those oil pits, the oil will ignite and the fire will kill you. If you shoot them without killing them, they'll lower towards you as they fly to the other side of the screen.

The robots that are low to the ground that shoot energy balls at you when their head cavity is opened can be taken out with a fully charged Mega Buster shot. When that happens, you'll knock them backwards. If they land head first into an oil pit, the monster will then act as a makeshift raft. Repeatedly jump on the switch on top of your new raft to move. The direction you go will depend on which direction you're facing.

The robots that are low to the ground, can't be killed by normal means and rush towards you when you're at their level are green rectangles with a red circle in the center with two spikes on top and two jet turbines on each side. Once again, charge up your Mega Buster and shoot at them with it to temporarily stun them.

The fat robot that stands there with the flame on its head shoots fire at you much like the robots with the head cavity we saw earlier. Unlike the other one, this one involves fire.

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