Thursday, September 19, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Secret of Evermore - Part 13 of 35

Now that we're re-united with our dog, we're free to explore the land in search of the Diamond Eyes and even go to some new places!

All maps by Grizzly.

Left Bank

Now that you've got your dog back, go to Blimp's Cave. Talk to him and he'll give you Revive, which revives the dog without the use of a dog biscuit. However, it takes a bit of leveling with the spell to make it somewhat powerful.

3 Root, 1 Bone

Now you can go to the Right Bank, which is west of the pirate ship.

Right Bank

From here, switch to The Dog and use the Run button at the end of the bridge to jump to the other side. From there, take the lift to the right side. Now you can take The Boy and The Dog further west of Crustacea.

Right Bank Forest

Now that you're on the other side of the bridge, cut the plant overgrowth at the other side and go west. You'll be in a forest, where you'll find more of those spiders and also take on a new enemy, the Dancin' Pans. You'll be seeing these guys kinda often.

Go north so that you'll come across the plant undergrowth you'll need to cut down, then go west from there. You'll be in a new area. 

Horace Highwater's Camp

Go west and you'll meet Horace Highwater, who created the world of Antiqua. He'll tell you about the Diamond Eyes and that he also has a bad feeling about the leader of Nobilia. You'll not only meet his assistant Madronius, who not only sells you alchemy supplies but also gives you the Revealer formula, which lets you see the secret passages across pits if you equip and use it.

2 Ash, 1 Wax

It should be noted that Madronius not only sells Roots, he also sells Vinegar and Brimstone. You'll definitely be needing those later, so keep a mental note about that.

Madronius also mentions his brother, who has a hiding place in the Hall of Collosia. He tells you to check the walls and that he'll help you out. This is where you'll find one of the two Diamond Eyes, so keep this tidbit of information in mind.

Be sure to talk to Horace again. He'll give you two Call Beads as well as some of his spells. He has two other spells that you'll find elsewhere in the game. One of them is in the Pyramid, so check every square inch of that place when you're there.

Time Warp: Scales back and undoes damage that you have just taken.

First Aid: A very powerful healing spell, even more so than Life Spark.

Confound: Confuses enemies.

There is also a woman at the camp that lets you sleep at the camp for 20 jewels. Take advantage of it whenever necessary during your quest for the Diamond Eyes, it's pretty useful and doesn't cost very much.

Be sure to sniff around the camp with The Dog. You'll find some useful alchemy ingredients, including some Bone and Brimstone.

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