Friday, September 6, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Enduro Racer - Part 2 of 2

If you've ever wanted to see all of the upgrades in effect at once, now's your chance.

Stage 6-10 are the first five stages repeated. Unlike the first loop, the enemy vehicles will always be other motorcycle riders. (This only applies to the Western version of the game; the Japanese Mark III version had 10 distinct, unique stages.)

Here are the upgrades you can get with the points you accrue when you pass other vehicles in a stage. Upgrades last for one whole stage or until you crash, whichever happens first. During the first loop of the first three are worth 5 points while the last three are worth 10; these point values double when you go through the second loop. 

The accelerator governs how quickly you get to top speed. Improving that will make reaching your top speed quicker.

The "handle" is your handling, and improving it makes is quicker and easier to turn left or right when need be.

The tire, when improved, makes it so that you don't slow down when you drive on anything that isn't considered the "main" track, such as different colored ground.

The engine, when improved, increases your top speed from 200 km/h to 260.

The suspension, when improved, keeps you from losing speed regardless of whether or not you pop a wheelie right before you go up a ramp.

The item heals some of the damage, and the item you get is not only random placed, but heals a certain amount of damage between 10 and 50 points. If you somehow get the key, which is extremely hard to obtain, you'll heal the maximum of 50.

If you buy everything at once, your bike will be supercharged until you lose the upgrades.

When you beat all ten stages, you'll win the game and be given a congratulatory screen by the game. Congratulations!

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