Monday, September 9, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Tiny Toon Adventures - Part 3 of 6

The difficulty level just really spikes at this point...

Stage 3-1

Shirley the Loon will recommend Dizzy Devil if you wait long enough. This is a pretty good idea, since you can power through a lot of things, including a couple of blocks in this stage..

The acorns are carrots.

The hedgehogs can be jumped on while they are not spinning. Unless you're Dizzy Devil. Then you can spin into them and kill them.

The gray owls swoop in from the sky, ready to run straight into you while you're in mid-air. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is where the game starts getting hard.

On the three mid-air platforms, jump as high as you can into the air on the second one so you can kill the gray owl.

The squirrels will climb underneath tree platforms and they will return after going off-screen.

Stage 3-2

You can use Furball's climbing ability to skip a huge load of the maze parts here. Dizzy Devil's spin can also destroy some blocks at the beginning, and also open up a path to the Hamton door so you can get your fill on lives.

The faces in the trees spit out bats. The honeycombs shoot out bees, which you can actually jump on to defeat. Be careful with the bees, as they can home in on you.

As far as the Elmyra segment goes, just take your time and then run straight to the end at the last platform.

Stage 3-3

There isn't much to mention until you hit the third part of this cave, where you see purple spiked balls moving up and down, ready to hit you at a moment's notice. Once again, you can climb up to the ceiling and run across it to skip a good portion of the third section if you're Furrball. If you're Dizzy Devil, the spin attack can be used to go straight through the purple spiked balls.

The bats on the other hand, love to go up, then go down before darting either up or down.

There is a heart before the boss door; take it.

The boss here is some sort of werewolf. I forgot who this is, but I know he appeared in the series for sure. As the ceiling moves around, he'll drop down from the gaps in the ceiling and run straight down into the pit. You have about a second to jump to him and hit him in the head. If the ceiling moves to the right, the werewolf will show up on the left side of the screen. If they move left, the werewolf will appear on te right.

He will run towards you if he lands right next to you, so don't even bother trying to do a sneak attack.

It should be noted that during this boss battle, you can jump through the left edge of the screen and reappear through the right, and vice versa. It's like the final boss fight in [i]Animaniacs[/i] for Super Nintendo, and it makes doing this battle a lot easier. For best results, use Buster or Furrball for this; they have the speed to clear the pit.

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