Friday, September 13, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Secret of Evermore - Part 3 of 35

Our journey to the Bugmuck introduces us to some new enemies, obstacles and spells. This is going to get interesting.

All maps by Grizzly.

Now that you've talked to Fire Eyes, you can take the eastern exit out of the village and head towards the Bugmuck.

Village Exit to Bugmuck

You'll meet a new enemy here: the Skelesnails. These things will try to leap towards you and hide in their shells on the way down for their tackles to have maximum impact.

Use this area to power up the Flash spell, get experience for both characters, and get money. You'll still run out Skelesnails eventually, but at least you'll have some money to recharge at the Inn when necessary, get armor for both characters and maybe...just maybe...get a good stockpile for Flash.

Quicksand Field

One of the holes takes you to the cave that is separated from the rest of the level. If you go in and buy an item, you'll get the Jaguar Tooth, which allows you to run by holding the A button. It also comes with a nifty royal purple pouch, which lets you carry other Charms as well as Trading Items (those won't come into play until much later).

Now that you have the Jaguar Ring, you can use the Jaguar Ring to move past the quicksand holes after they sink back out of existence (and move away from one if it pulls you in). You can only run as long as you have energy. When your strike energy is at 100%, you have the maximum running distance (just like Secret of Mana). The only real difference is instead of running in only one direction like in Secret of Mana, you can fully control where you run. You can also tap the button to save your energy, but you can also equip a weapon that you've leveled up all way to Level 3, charge your attack up to full, hold A to run while holding B, and run infinitely.

Take the time to explore the area, pick up any alchemy ingredients that The Dog sniffs out and open up any gourds that you can find. It's worth it.

Sometimes, enemies will leave a pile of dust or goo or bones behind. Go up to it, press the B button and you'll get an item. Sometimes it's a petal, sometimes it's a few extra pieces of money. You never know what you'll find, so pay attention as enemies will randomly drop some extra spoils.


This area is comprised of several screens, but it's not so easy to get lost.

The Maggots are pretty easy to beat up if you strike them at 100%. The Tar Skulls hang out in the tar pits where you can't get close to them, and will lunge at you if you're close enough. If you strike at them at 100%, you'll be able to reach them better. If you kill one, have the dog sniff around nearby. You'll be able to find Oil and Clay doing this.

There is a cave near the beginning. Go inside.

Bugmuck Cave

When you enter this cave, the man inside will talk to you. He isn't Strong Heart, but he does know him and says that he saw him go towards the big bug a few days ago. He gives you another alchemy formula, Hard Ball.

Hard Ball
1 Crystal, 1 Clay

Unless you search near the Tar Skulls, you won't find very much Clay. Since you don't have the maximum of eight carryable spells yet, go ahead and equip it.

The man will also sell you alchemy ingredients if you need them, and you can save your game here.

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