Friday, September 6, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Enduro Racer - Part 1 of 2

Are you ready for some extreme 8-bit action?

The controls are simple. Button 1 is the brake, Button 2 is the gas, and the Control Pad lets you make turns and pop wheelies. By popping wheelies, you can also launch yourself off the ramps. You want to hit Down on the Control Pad to pop a wheelie just before you jump off the ramp so that you can land on the ground without losing speed.

As you race, you'll want to avoid other vehicles as well as hazards such as rocks and harsh road. Running into things causes your damage meter to increase, and if you take too much damage, the timer will go twice as fast, making the game even harder than it already is. Smaller hazards increase it by four; vehicles will increase it by ten.

The more vehicles you pass, the more points you will get at the end of a stage for the tune-up screen. Any time you have left will be added to the timer for the next stage. At first, you'll be passing cars, but you'll soon be passing other motorcycles. The other motorcycles are smaller, but faster.

The tune-up screen allows you to better your bike for the next stage.

For Stage 1, stay on the road and watch out for rocks and other cars.

For Stage 2, stay on the road and watch out not only for other motorcycles, but also bricks from the ruins that are also scattered about.

For Stage 3, stay on the brown road. The green stuff is swamp-like ground that will slow you down. Also, the cars are back.

For Stage 4, stay on the light green road. The dark green sides will slow you down, and you will be sinking if you land in the water. At this pont, tapping Down right before you hit the ramps is something you should have down pat.

For Stage 5, watch out for rocks, craters, and other motorcycles. This stage is the hardest of the first five, since the roads are narrow and there are times where you'll have to use the ramps to make it over huge chasms.

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