Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Kikoskia plays Gobliiins - Part 4 of 6

In this entry, our heroes outsmart the evil wizard and find a way to save the king.

Climb up to the nest with Dwayne and use the bird call to summon a bird, then send Bobo and Hooter up there. Have Dwayne use the bird call again so the bird leaves, and an egg will jump out of the nest. Punch the egg with Bobo, then cast magic on it with Hooter. Hooter will be carried to the other side by the now-slightly bigger bird. Cast Hooter's Magic on the horn near the gate to move it, then grab the Elixir with Dwayne and have him drink it. It will make him drink it and turn invisible, so quickly get Dwayne over to the other side. Grab the carrot with Dwayne and use it on the mole that pops out of the hole. This will get the mole's attention. Cast magic on the mole with Hooter to turn it into a woman who will distract the wizard. With this, Bobo can head to the other side and you can go to the next area.

In the next area, grab the stick with Dwayne. With Hooter, cast magic on the small, flat rock to the left to turn it into a ladder. Climb up with Dwayne and use the stick on the hole to reveal a watering can. Grab the watering can and use it to water the plants. They will all turn into giant carrots. Use Hooter's magic on the carrot to the far right to find a key, and have Bobo punch the carrot to knock the key off so Dwayne can take it. Cast Hooter's magic on the carrot in the center to find a keyhole, and place the key in the keyhole. Go into the door that forms.

You'll be in a mouse's underground home. Grab the book of matches that is all the way to the right with Dwayne and use it on the fireplace across from the mouse. Have Bobo punch the cannon, then punch the cannonballs to knock a cannonball loose. Place the cannonball in the cannon with Dwayne, then punch the cannon with Bobo to aim the cannon upwards again and light the cannon with the matches with Dwayne. The cannonball will will drop a carrot down from the ceiling. Throw the carrot into the cannon, make sure the cannon is aimed forward instead of upwards, and light the fuse on the cannon again to drop it into the bowl in the fireplace. This will help the mouse wake up. If you talk to him, you'll find out he is deaf. Use the cannonball and a cannon aimed upwards to get another carrot, but this time, cast Hooter's magic on it to turn it into an ear trumpet. Give the ear trumpet to the mouse and he will finally be able to hear you. You will get a new item: a mallet. Grab it and use it on the gong to turn it into a portal. Another item will materialize on the top level: a pendulum. Grab it with Dwayne, and you'll be able to enter the portal. Only the Statue of Serenity, transcended by Gemellor the Dragon's fire, has the power to break the spell holding the King in its thrall.

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