Friday, June 14, 2019

DeceasedCrab plays Monster Party - Part 1 of 6

Well, here it is. The very reason why I subscribed to DeceasedCrab back in the day as well as why I know about Let's Plays in general.

FUN FACT: The game was never released in Japan, because Bandai thought it would be too weird for Japanese gamers. Instead, it's America and Europe only. In the 2000's, however, an unreleased Famicom prototype was found, and it was even more macabre (and weird) than the final release that only made it to the West.

Also, I made this series of blogs all the way back in 2012, but I forgot to account for it in a list of all the written content I've done for this blog and I only recently noticed that all of this was still sitting around.

Round 1

The game starts out surprisingly cheerful. You have flaming punks shooting bolts of electricity at you and nude women's legs popping out of the ground. When Bert said that his planet was dangerous, Mark certainly didn't expect nude women's upside-down legs sticking out of the ground and kicking wildly.

The first door you see has a plant inside, and it's probably a reference to Audrey II from The Little Shop of Horrors. To beat him, send the bubbles he spits back at him with your bat.

When you beat him, grab the question mark that appears (a question mark appears every time you beat a boss) and leave. The question mark can give you anything from points to life to a transformation pill.

A heart will recover a little bit of your health. You should fill your life up to maximum if you want to survive this whole game, or else you're not gonna make it to the end. You also have one life, so if you die, you'll have to continue.

When you pick up a pill, you'll transform into Bert for a short time. As Bert, you can shoot lasers instead of swinging a bat, and you can also fly.

The second room contains nothing, but the third room contains a deceased crab. Deceased crab is deceased. Just stand there for a few seconds and you'll beat the dead crab. wut

When you walk past the giant tree in the background, everything turns from happy to grotesque. Welcome to the Monster World. The enemies are the same, but the whole place looks really macabre (in a silly sort of way) and you also meet up with dogs that have human heads.

Enter the door in the giant tree near the eyeball monsters and you'll face a pumpkin-head man wearing a dinner cloth. If you're Bert when you enter, this is a lot easier. Just hit him in the head. When you beat him, you'll get the key to go through the exit.

From there, go right until you reach a door with a bone-adorned frame. This is the exit to the next level. Don't touch the skeleton hands coming out of the ground, as they act like spikes.


Control Pad: Move (combining Down with Left or Right lets Mark crawl slowly)
B: Attack
A: Jump (fly as Bert)

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