Wednesday, June 19, 2019

batman9502 plays Rocket Knight Adventures - Part 3 of 3

Well, this was a fun one, albeit a quick one. Wish Konami made more games for this venerable Sega console.

Stage 7

As soon as you enter the space base, you'll take on a mini-boss. This guy will alternate between high and low projectiles that he shoots out of his sword. You'll want to time your jumps right and close enough to him to hit him with a fully-charged spin attack. Be careful not to be in his path when he jumps to the other side of the screen.

When you do enough damage, he'll start flashing before exploding in the center of the screen. When he moves towards the center, you'll want to go all the way to the other side of the screen so that the parts that fly around won't hit you. He'll then come back as a cyborg.

Hit the cyborg with strikes from your rocket pack. After about two or three strikes, you'll want to move away so this cyborg doesn't destroy you with its legs. When it's dead, refill your health with the bananas and enter the teleporter.

You'll be passing by robot pigs as you head to the right. If you see a full one, it will jump out from the background. Strike them in the stomach three times to destroy them. You'll want to stay back when they explode, as the debris from the explosions can damage you.

You'll then meet Axel Gear. Keep attacking him and don't let him get any room to attack. Stay close and keep striking at him, but not close enough to let him hit you.

Once you beat him, stay out of his way as he moves around before breaking the wall. Gravity will drag you back to the left, so you don't want to let go of the ropes.

Climb to the top of the ropes and use your spin attack there. Ater enough damage, Axel will come in from the right to try to attack you. Stay in the middle to see where's he coming from, and power up your rocket pack so that you can hit him as soon as you're lined up with him. Once you beat him, head to the top of the ropes and go into the teleporter.

After taking out some more pig robots in an area with an impressive 3D-ish ceiling, you'll finally prepare for the final battle. Grab the bananas and the extra life, then go to the right and get into the teleporter.

The final battle is you versus the core of the ship. Use the low gravity in this room and your rocket pack to strike the red switch on the top of the core. Sometimes it will go to the sides on the top, but never anywhere else. You want to be careful, as you don't want to accidentally miss and be stuck in the corner as the core comes falling down on you. (It doesn't hurt that much, but it's still pretty annoying.)

After enough damage, it will shoot lightning in four directions. The lightning is pretty easy to avoid and wait out, and the rings it shoots out are just as easy. They fire diagonally, then horizontally, then diagonally again. The horizontal rings are easy to avoid if you're not in the air, but if you can stay on the move and position yourself right, the diagonal shots aren't too hard to avoid either. The core will also teleport and reappear after every hit at this point.

Once you do enough damage, the music changes...and so do the tactics. The core will shoot out a ring shield that surrounds it as well as a rapid fire cannon that will always start from the top and fire counter-clockwise. The weak point is the same as before. After enough hits, the core will teleport to the center of the room. You will want to have your rocket pack powered up at all times so you can hit the core as immediately as it reappears. After enough hits, the core is destroyed. The wall to the right will open. Go there and use the teleporter, then enter the escape pod.

You're not done yet. The remnants of the core will come after you, and you'll have to avoid the attacks. Move to the sides to avoid the ring, and move back and forth to avoid the swirling arms that swing around. As you fall, you'll eventually see the planet below. When the screen turns red, you're about to enter the atmosphere. The core remnants will blow to pieces from the heat upon entry, while Sparkster's escape pod survives.

Congratulations! You just beat Rocket Knight Adventures!

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