Friday, June 28, 2019

Dilandau3000 plays Space Quest I: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter (VGA) - Part 9 of 17

Now that we've killed the Orat, we can finally head to the town of Ulence Flats...but even getting there will have its share of difficulty.

Underground Complex

By using the data cartridge on the computer, you will get a message from one Dr. Slash Vohaul, a scientist with the Star Generator Project aboard the Starlab Arcada. In his message, he believes that someone monitored the project's progress, and that the Sariens may have learned of the mission. Because of that, he feels the Star Generator and the universe is in jeopardy, for even though it will preserve life for eons if used for good, it will cause the destruction of millions and enslavement of any opposition to the Sariens if used for evil. He has encoded plans and specifications for the construction of the Star Generator within the cartridge that can allow for the creation of a duplicate Star Generator should disaster strike, and asks that it be returned to the Xenon ruling body as quickly as possible. He then mentions that the Star Generator is capable of self-destruction as a precaution, and to active it, one must enter the code 5454. A five-minute timer will start, and anyone within five kilometers of the Star Generator will be in danger once the timer is initiated.

The message will end, and there's nothing in it about Van Allen belts at all. Instead, it's the plans for the Star Generator and the self-destruct code. Take the data cartridge out of the computer; DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS. From here, use the Skimmer. Remember to take the cartridge before you go; once you use the Skimmer, you can't come back here!

It should be noted that sometimes, the ship accidentally goes in reverse and crashes before going forward.

You can then choose whether to play the arcade sequence or skip it altogether. If you play it, you'll have to avoid the rocks that get in your way. You have a damage gauge in the lower-right corner, and the more rocks you hit, the more damage you take. The small rocks do two units of damage, but the bigger rocks kill you instantly. If you take too much damage, the Skimmer will crash and you will die. As you go further, you will see Ulence Flats in the background, and you will eventually reach it.

Ulence Flats

When you show up in Ulence Flance, you will park in front of the Rocket Bar with the Skimmer completely out of juice. A man in a pinstripe suit will look at Wilco, then approach the Skimmer and look at it before trying to sell it for 25 buckazoids. If you take the deal, however, you'll get stuck later. Say no. He will leave. Take the keys from the skimmer by clicking on the dashboard so that nobody runs off with it. If you wait a little while, he will give you 30 buckazoids and a jetpack. This time, say yes, because you'll need the jetpack. He will stick to his words and also give you coupons good for discounts from the local merchants, then drive off in the Skimmer even though there is no power.

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