Wednesday, June 19, 2019

batman9502 plays Rocket Knight Adventures - Part 2 of 3

It's time to catch up with Axel Gear and rescue Princess Sherry!

After the third boss, the King will help Sparkster fly up to Axel Gear's airship.

Stage 4

You'll face a mini-boss right off the bat. When the pirate throws the bombs at you, you'll want to stand just close to the left side of the screen and strike the bombs with the sword to send them back into the guy's face. (Jumping up and hitting the bombs when they're in the center of the room works best.) Be careful not to get zapped buy the force field as you leave.

You'll then be at the top of the airship. Keep heading right, as you will be blown to the left if you let go of the Control Pad. Jump over the first barrel that rolls your way, walk under the second, jump over the next three, then walk under the next four. You'll be able to get to the pirate again and whack him a second time.

From there, jump on the pig nose in front of the windshield where Princess Sherry and Axel Gear. It will drop. Jump to the left and climb across the rails underneath the airship. Attack the bomb robots that climb from one side to the other, and don't let them touch you. You can get the airship here by dropping down and using the jetpack. If you can time it right, it's not that hard to get.

You'll face another mini-boss after those bomb robots. Move all the way to the left and swing your sword to the right to get a few cheap hits in. You can kill this guy using your rocket pack, but what you're really supposed to do is hit the bomb robots so that they fall onto him when you knock them off. It doesn't take that many. In the meantime, you'll want to avoid the flamethrower on the mini-boss's head.

Be careful on the platforms that lead to the next section. They can be pretty fast and they can move away from you at the last second, so be careful.

Once you're back inside the airship, you'll have to fight off guys with bazookas (and duck under their fireballs) while moving past force fields while they're temporarily down.

You'll meet the boss in the next room. When you enter, don't move. You'll avoid the first attack (the falling objects) just by standing where you are when the battle begins. Even when the objects move to the left, you will never be in the objects' paths. After that, get close and attack the middle of the robot when the red partition in the middle is exposed. The robot will go down very, very quickly. All that's left is the pirate, who jumps whenever you swing your sword. If he's close enough when you swing, the projectile will get him even when he's jumping clear over you.

After the battle, Axel Gear will escape with Princess Sherry to a Devotindo castle.

Stage 5

You start out in a flying segment. Move around to avoid the huge missiles, and stay to the left to avoid the anti-air fire coming from the ground.

After taking down some pigs on balloons, head to the top of the screen to avoid the missiles that rise up as you fly between all of them. You'll want to be quick and move back and forth to avoid the salvos of three that come at you right before the end.

When you descend, stay near the bottom to avoid being hit by the mini-boss when it shows up.

This one can be a bit tricky. As you shoot your projectiles at the cannons in the front of this mechanical walker, you'll want to find the empty space in the walls of lasers it sends at you and fly through it. You can fly in-between two lasers, but it's a bit tricky and is not what was intended. The walker will also charge you, so you'll want to back up after you get a few shots in. The lasers do three hearts' worth of damage, so you definitely don't want to get hit here.

The walker has a second wave where the legs are gone and the upper portion simply flies in the air. Just stay all the way to the left and keep shooting projectiles. You'll avoid its spinning bullet attacks entirely and you'll damage it before it can really do anything.

Once you storm the castle, you'll be able to get an easy 1-Up. When you see the spiked knight, run to the left and jump to the platform to avoid him, as he can kill you in one hit. From there, you can take the teleporter.

Here, you'll have to beat the three spiked knights to the teleporter below. The platforms that you'll see on your drop down alternate between right and left lilke some sort of zig-zag pattern. It doesn't take too much effort to see where the platforms are, so it's more of a matter of getting down there without tripping yourself up.

In the next section, you'll have to race for the teleporter before the spiked knights get you. Use your rocket pack to rocket past them all before they drop, then get to the teleporter as quickly as possible. Hit the button just before the teleporter so the force field turns off and the bridge deactivates, causing the spiked knights to plunge into the lava to their deaths.

Destroy the spiked column in the next room. From there, the floor will rise, and you'll have to move around so that you don't get crushed against the ceiling. Use your rocket so you don't have to deal with last-minute near-death scenarios.

In the next room, you'll ride a platform. There are two switches on it. One lets the platform go up; the other lets it go down. Strike one with your sword to choose the direction you want to go. If you want it to stop, strike the other switch and you'll be going straight again. When you reach the teleporter on the other side, be sure to jump off the platform immediately so you aren't dropped into a pit or something. The first room helps you get comfortable with how the platform works. The second room is full of glowing spikes that will instantly kill you if you travel into them.

You'll then meet Axel Gear. He'll jump into a giant robot. You'll want to travel to the door to your left, and then use your rocket pack to fly left as soon as it opens so that the robot won't kill you immediately. Use your rocket when you can to get to the other side and get your own giant robot. From there, you'll want to back up to avoid the fists from Axel's robot, and move in so your can strike his robot with your own. This larger-than-life Rock 'em Sock' em Robots battle isn't terribly difficult. It's just knowing what to do when Axel keeps backing up so you be ready to strike when he moves forward again.

After this stage, you'll rescue Princess Sherry only for Emperor Devligus to rocket off into space. Sherry helps you catch up with him with some magic.

Stage 6

If you destroy a whole line of robot pig heads that fly at you as you rocket across space, you'll get an apple to refill some of your health with at the end. Destroying purple pigs head will also net you an apple.

The larger asteroids will fly towards you, and some of them even have jets in the back and shoot missiles at you. You'll want to keep moving and swinging your sword repeatedly.

Destroy the asteroid in the ring of enemies to get some health.

The first mini-boss is a flying robot. Keep hitting him with projectiles whenever he lowers his shield, and watch out for the lasers.

The flying pigs will try to hit you with a ball-and-chain in addition to their firepower. Axel Gear will also be flying around, and you do not want to be in front of him when he stops to fire that huge laser cannon of his. The gun flashes just before he fires. Keep attacking Axel, and he'll eventually flee when you do enough damage.

The boss here is a battleship. Take out all the cannons with your sword, and destroy the hatch at the bottom when it opens up. The ship will teleport every once in a while. Do not run into the ship, as it either kill you or come close to killing you depending on how much health you have (touching the ship causes six hearts' worth of damage).

When the cockpit separates, attack the orange sphere behind where the cockpit was. Destroying it destroys the rest of the ship. The cockpit then turns into a mech.

Avoid its shots as well as the homing lasers that try to follow where you are. The mech will then pull out a ball and toss it from arm to the other a couple of times. Strike the ball into the mech to do damage to it. After enough hits, it's gone. It's on to the Emperor's space base!

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