Thursday, June 13, 2019

Kikoskia plays Gobliiins - Part 6 of 6

All's well that ends well.

You'll be in a room that looks like a miniature castle and contains a giant. Go down the ladder and put down the witchcraft book, then go into the castle window on the right of where you start to pick up some bait. Have Hooter cast magic on the small thing poking out of the ground by clicking on the nearby coat of arms on the statue base. A lever will grow out of that spot. Have Bobo punch the level to make a ladder appear out of the shield of the nearby statue, then have Hooter cast magic on the cork in the Giant's ear to remove it. Pick up the book of witchcraft with Dwayne and use it on the giant's ear to make the giant happy. The giant will also shed some tears and move his finger out of the way. Go to the right with Dwayne and grab the bowl, then go back down and grab the bait. Place the bait where the bowl once was, then get back down. A monster will show up and walk up to the bait. Place the bowl in front of the giant so that it is under the giant's left eye, then use the witchcraft book on the giant again. A tear will fall into the bowl. Take the bowl of giant's tears to the monster and use it on the monster to turn it into a catapult. You now have the Supreme Weapon. You'll be able to leave at the start of the area.

You'll be back outside. Use the catapult on the bananas to get rid of them, then have Bobo punch the lever. A shark-like will show up. Get all three goblins on the fish. The fish will take you downstream to the underground caves where the wizard is trying to poison the world with his potions.

You'll be face-to-face with the wizard himself! Use the catapult on him to knock him into his own pot. He will then turn into a demonic bat and carry Dwayne off to the head of the bird skeleton before pinning him down. Cast magic on the rock in front of the bird's statue foot to turn it into a ladder, then cast magic on the wizard to turn him into a bug. The bug will now run off with Hooter. Use the catapult on the rope near the pot with Dwayne, then pick up the rope. Use the rope on the hook on the upper-right corner above the bird skeleton, then have Bobo climb the rope and punch the wizard in the face. The wizard will now be a spider and tie Bobo up with web. Grab the catapult again and use it on Bobo to free him, then place the bag on the ground underneath where the wizard is. then have Hooter cast magic on the wizard. The wizard will turn into three smaller spiders and fall into the bag. Grab the bag to tie the wizard up, then use it on Dwayne to tie the bag up. You just beat Gobliiins!

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