Saturday, June 22, 2019

HalfBlindGamer plays Castle of Illusion for Genesis/Mega Drive - Part 4 of 5

Ah, this stage. As magical as it was on Master System, it looks really good here.

Level 4: The Library

You're back to apples for the throwing objects.

The red A's (which makes me think of The Scarlet Letter) jump over you when you get close enough. If you try to jump on them when you approach them, you will take damage. The maggots just move slowly back and forth.

When you enter the milk bottle, you'll enter a world of milk rivers, cakes and candy. Swedish Fish will jump in and out of the river, and the bridges will fall away as you put your weight on them much like those in the last level.

The floating cake platforms will help you get over the milk river. One misplaced jump will be instant death if you fall to the bottom.

The vanilla wafer platforms go in a circle.

When you reach the end of this section, you'll get the Green Gem. From here, go back and make your way up. After you swing to the left (and turn off the lights as you go), keep going left so you aren't dropped back down to the start. The blue books on the ceiling will crush you, but if you fall into the gap and duck down, you shouldn't have any problems.

You'll come across a tea cup. Jump in and swim to the end, avoiding the sugar cubes that block your path. You'll then be able to continue with the rest of the level.

Instead of going down the slope when you see the giant apple, go straight to the right instead to find a star. Keep going right and jump down when you see the books. There will be a passage leading to two stars and a bag of apples.

Go back to the slope. Since you're to the right of it on the way back, the apple will automatically roll down before you can come close to approaching it. Go down the slope and enter the tea cup. Again, make your way to the end. When you get out, go to the right.

The boss is a red dragon that flies around. Stay away from him and pelt him with apples. If he goes straight for you at platform level, butt stomp his head. As long as you're able to fight him from a distance, fighting him will be a bit easier.

When you beat the dragon, you'll get the Blue Gem.

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