Saturday, June 29, 2019

Dilandau3000 plays Space Quest I: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter (VGA) - Part 11 of 17

...and now for the slots. Get ready to save and load constantly; it's the only way you're gonna get that money.

Ulence Flats

At a certain point, the blue guy playing the game in the corner gets zapped and killed by the game, and a droid sweeps up what is left of him. From here, you can play what the blue guy was playing: Slots O' Death.

In the meantime, order another drink twice until you've had three in total. After the third drink, somebody at the bar will talk about how they were cruising through sector EG when they picked something up on their scanner only to come face-to-face with the Deltaur, and immediately retreated while seeing the Star Generator in action at the same time. Keep Sector EG in mind for later; that's where the Deltaur - the ship that attacked the Arcana - is located, destroying planets.

At this point, leave the bear and get on the slot machine. You're going to need more money for a droid at the nearby Droids B Us (a reference to the now-departed Toys 'R Us), and this is how you're going to get it. Three skulls will kill you, so try hard not to get that. Bet your Buckazoids ($3 maximum), then let the slots roll. If you get nothing, the game will be mean to you, telling you to either eat sand or suck methane. 

If you use the magnet you got on the Arcana on the slots, you can avoid getting killed and ensure you get varying amounts of money. (You could not do this on the original version; you actually had to save and load when something you liked happened.) Keep playing until you have a total of 300 buckazoids, then the slot machine will begin to sputter and smoke before it explodes. Leave the bar.

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