Saturday, August 18, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest - Part 12 of 18

Parrot Chute Panic is far from a favorite level of mine.

All maps by Tropicon.

Parrot Chute Panic

Bonus areas: Two (2)

Here, you will be using a blue Squawks to make it to the bottom of the level. Hold Up and Down on the Control Pad to slow down and speed up your descent, respectively. Unlike in other levels, the Squawks here is blue and goes by a special name: Quawks (which was used in Japan and wasn't official in America until the GameCube era). Quawks cannot spit eggs, and all he can do is descend. At certain parts in the level, Quawks will drop you off (he will let you know by making the egg spitting sound), and you'll eventually have to find him again as you go deeper into the level.

The DK coin is to the left just after you start dropping down. You're better off using Dixie's helicopter spin to get this.

There is a shortcut to the right of the second Quawks. Grab the nearby crate and throw it into the wall below it. This will take you to the K.

The first bonus area is to the left. After you grab the third Quawks, there will be a wide berth to the left as you drop. You'll want to go to the left as much as you can as soon as you enter it. You'll eventually find a doorway. Press X to jump off Squawks and enter. Fly up to the top with the green Squawks to reach the Kremkoin.

As you go further down into the level, you'll be dodging Zingers without any means of defending yourself. Watch where they go, and plan your moves carefully. Do not rush anything.

At the fifth Quawks, you have a choice between taking him or not. If you don't take him, you'll be using Dixie's helicopter spin to make your descent. Thankfully, you can go down more slowly as long as you are holding Y.

Just before the N, there is a honey wall you can stick to. You'll have to superjump from the platform to the right to make it there, since there are Zingers below the sticky wall that make it impossible to get there otherwise. Use the honey to make your way up, then get to the right to enter the second bonus area. Destroy all the Zingers with the green Squawks (use that TNT barrel you get at the end carefully!) to get the other Kremkoin.

Web Woods

Bonus areas: Two (2)

If the stage name didn't clue you in, you're going to be playing as Squitter here. Once you make it past the K, it's web time.

You can tag throw to the area above the entrance to the Squitter Barrel room. If you do that, you'll find a Barrel Cannon that will take you to a chest. Smash it into the nearby Zinger to get a 2-Up.

Be careful at the continue point and beyond. There will be platforms where green Kaboings will lie in wait, and they will jump off the platform high above when you get close enough.

The first bonus area is after the N. You'll know you're there when you see a Kannon that fires a very slow cannonball. Keep the cannonball on screen, keep slowly going to the left when it is fired, and try not to touch it. The cannonball will hit the wall, opening up the doorway to the first bonus area. Use your platform webs to get to the other side - and don't touch the brambles! - and use your projectile webs to destroy the Zingers to get the Kremkoin here.

The second bonus area is near the end. Once again, you will know you're near it when you see a Kannon firing another super-slow cannonball. Follow it to the left, keeping it on the screen and going slow while trying not to touch. When it hits the wall, you'll enter the second bonus area. Collect all the stars with your platform webs (the fact that they make the Rare "R" logo is a nice touch) to get the second Kremkoin.

The DK coin is at the exit target. The DK coin stays onscreen for less time as everything else, so you'd better get the timing of the appearance of the prizes down pat to get it.

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