Wednesday, August 8, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Congo's Caper - Part 6 of 6

It's time for the final battle!

Stage 6-1

The 1-Up gem has a spike pit below it, so be careful grabbing it if you want to. Despite what I say about taking damage if you get it, you can use a caveman to go grab it if you can jump on him when he is underneath the 1-Up gem.

You'll have to do some difficult platforming to reach the end. While the disappearing platforms don't rear their ugly head, it is the blue platforms that move back and forth. They don't maneuver very far, and they move back and forth pretty quickly as a result. Refrain from using your superjump unless you have to.

Stage 6-2

Duck down in the spaces below the first crushing ceiling, and run atop the second one. Avoid the third. Simple as that.

Stage 6-3

Yet another quick stage. This time around, a spiked wall is chasing after you. You'll be able to roll down a slope near the end to give yourself a better lead.

Stage 6-4

You'll face the winged demon from the beginning of the game here.

The first form is just the demon. Stay to the side, and attack the fireball to send it back at him and damage him. When he flies around, whack him when he gets close. His attack pattern repeats from there. This is a very easy form.

The second form has him summon a dino demon, who knocks the guy away. Attack him three or four times, then stay in motion to avoid his fireball. Just keep repeating this over and over until the second form falls.

For the third form, the dino demon transforms. Whack him from below and avoid his fireballs. When he stays in place and moves around, superjump all the way to the side to avoid his attacks. The only way he will be able to hit you if you're standing there is if he is dead center at his lowest height.

If you die at any point, you'll have to start all the way back at the first form.

When you beat the third form, you've won! Enjoy the ending!

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