Sunday, July 30, 2017

brisulph plays Uninvited - Part 3 of 5

In this entry, we enter a stone maze, and learn about someone named Dracan...

Go back to the servant's bedroom and Use the floor lamp. You'll move a picture hanging on the wall and reveal a book, but a spirit covered in chains will pop up from out of nowhere. This must be the servant, as this is his room. He thinks Dracan sent you here, and says you cannot have "his precious" as he has hidden it..."his precious" meaning the book, since he blocks you from getting it.

If you give the ghost something he doesn't want, he covers you in acid and kills you. Instead, Use the Spider on him. The stunned spider will freak the spirit out and cause him to go away. How you're supposed to figure this out, I don't know.

You'll finally be able to Take the Diary 3 that the spirit was blocking. Open it and you'll find the following passage:

"The Master would not, or could not, so I have stolen Dracan's star. He is an evil soul. Unlike the Master, he uses his power for amusement and profit. He is not concerned with spiritual enlightenment. There is no compassion with is power. I grow weak. I am dying. I have hidden the star in Master's special box. It never opens, it has no locks. Dracan's star never discerns. In fire it freezes. In ice it burns.

Head back to the game room and head to the backyard. There are three buildings here: a laboratory, a greenhouse and a church. You'll also see something move in the trees behind the church.

Go to the greenhouse and Open the door. There isn't much here aside from a pot of dirt that needs watering and some dead plants. Take the Watercan and Use it on the jar sitting in the lower-left corner. You'll be able to water the plant twice, but after that water won't come out of the Watercan. Go back to the greenhouse entrance, Use the spigot and use the Watercan on the water. Go back and water the plant a third time, and a fruit will sprout. Take the Fruit.

Head back to the backyard and approach the church. You'll come in contact with two menacing dogs. Use the Thundere spell to drive them away. You can now Open the church doors.

Take the Goblet, and the altar will move to the side to reveal a secret passage. Take the Candles too. As for the secret passage, you won't be able to enter it. The game will warn you several times when you try to enter, but after the fourth time, you're going to die.

Instead, use the O Sesame spell to open the door to the left. The stone bust will speak and the door will open. This leads to a stone maze, but you'll be blocked by an apparition that rips you apart immediately...unless you light the Candles with the Matches before going through the door. This causes the apparition to go away. You can now enter the maze.

The scroll mentioned when you enter is Scroll 3, which mentions the Blothney Gem.

Head north. If you examine the slab, you'll find that the Blothney Gem "is in a deep place."

Another slab to the northwest reads "The Pendant can protect you from the undead." To the northwest still is yet another stone slab that states "The bouncing creature loves things that fly."

There are dead ends in this maze that contain packs of Zombies. If you use the Pendant on them, you'll end up making the game unwinnable.

You'll find a tombstone nearby. Examining it reveals nothing, and you won't be able to Use the Bouquet on it, which is described as "looking good on a tombstone." From this tombstone, keep heading east. You'll run into a Zombie. Use the Pendant on it to kill it. Head east one more time, then head south until you see a different tombstone. Use the Bouquet on it. This reveals a secret passage to the west. Go west once, and you'll see three cages sealed within the far wall of the maze. If you Use Key 1 on the keyhole below them, you'll free a bird, a cat and a snake. If you Examine them, you'll find out that they're all ready to eat each other.

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