Tuesday, July 4, 2017

FreezingInferno patches Castlevania: The Adventure - Part 3 of 5

Just when you thought the game couldn't be any harder...

Stage 3: Castle 1

At the beginning of the level, you're going to deal with the floor coming to near-contact with the spiky ceiling. When you reach the highest point of the ceiling, duck down so you don't get squashed and gored at the same time. When you see the twisting wall that controls the floor and ceiling, smack it a couple of times with your whip to get it out of your way and return the hallway to normal.

When you climb up the ladder at the end, the spike pit will rise up and the screen will start floating upwards. The nastiest part of this isn't the fall-away platforms, the thin normal platforms or even the spike pit itself. It's the worms that slowly move back and forth. If you hit them with the leather whip, they'll quickly roll away. If they hit a wall, they'll switch direction. They're just fast enough to make it hard to jump over them. If you have the chain whip, they'll die when you attack them.

Once you make it to the top, you're still not done. You have to move left to avoid the spiked wall that comes at you from the right. Even without the patch, this part is still much easier as long as you don't get hit, but this whole area is where the difficulty bump caused by the game ending really rears its ugly head.

The boss here is a gargoyle. Stay on the move and whack it when it dives towards you to stop its attacks. 

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