Monday, July 10, 2017

newfiebangaa plays Monster In My Pocket BLIND - Part 1 of 2

Are you a bad enough vampire/monster to take on Warlock?

So, you're just looking at a blank television when Warlock appears on the screen out of nowhere, telling you his minions are now going to kill you. Gee, guess the only thing you can do is destroy as many of them as you can and face Warlock himself.

Stage 1: Monster In My House

This one is pretty straightforward. Start running to the right and start pounding all the monsters you see into sand. You can climb on top of the stereo and get a key that you can throw at enemies, but you'll get less points doing this.

The skeletons toss skulls before walking backwards and doing it again; you can either hop over the skulls or punch them to get rid of them. The fleamen jump towards you, but if you can time it right, you can hit them on their way down. The witches are a little tricky, but not too much. Wait for them to appear, then hit them. If you have to stop to punch their projectiles, do so.

In the next section, you'll see a few more monsters before you reach a table. Double-jump up the table to get the health power-up if you need it, then double-jump up some more and double-jump to the staircase. Walk down it and you'll eventually pick up speed and start flashing. When that happens, you'll be running over any monsters that are in your way, destroying them. You'll land near a health power-up at the end.

The flying creatures here will dive towards you but not hit you if you stand still. When they're close to the ground, you have the perfect opportunity to hit them. The red creatures act like the zombies.


The boss here just jumps up and down and throws knives. Follow him to get as many hits on him as you possibly can. If you're fast and careful enough, you can kill him after his only salvo of knives. (I've done it once, believe it or not.)

More than likely, if you're playing on One-Player Mode, you'll have 500 points - enough for an extra life. You'll have to get another 2,000 points to get another one, and that will take a while.

Stage 2: Big Trouble In The Kitchen

You're better off staying on the ground until you go as far to the right as you can, since you can't jump up to the tables from underneath on the chairs. The ghosts just float towards you. Yeah, the enemies are that easy at this point.

Once the screen stops scrolling, jump up the chair and you'll be able to jump onto the table. Now you'll have to go left.

The green cerberii (I guess that's what they are) leap to where you are, especially if you're standing still - and standing still gives you the perfect opportunity to whack them. The blue monsters that throw sugar cubes at you toss them so that the cubes home in on you. Knowing that, it's not too hard to avoid them by either jumping out of the way or punching them.

Yes, you can walk on the plates and the water taps in this next section. Now we're actually in the kitchen.

If you keep walking towards the monsters that throw axes, they'll end up throwing them over you rather than at you, making them more easily defeated. Also, the dragons drop eggs that crack once before falling through the ground. Make every effort you can to hit both the dragon and the'll make it a lot easier to get the points needed for another 1-up.

You'll find another health power-up along the way, and soon afterward you'll be seeing the monsters from the first section again. They're mostly the running enemies as well as the flying ghosts. Once again, this is a pushover.

You'll then approach the stove. When the stove tops burn higher, double-jump over them. You'll see a health power-up after the third burner, but if you drop down from the oven (hold Down and press A; the oven is the only part of the level where you can do this), you'll be able to find two more of these power-ups if you desperately need them.

You'll also find a key, but defeat the monsters before you grab so you don't risk losing health. If you can carry it to the end of the level, you'll be able to take it with you to use against the boss.


You'll fight the next boss (some sort of Abominable Snowman) in the refrigerator. You can hit him at least twice before he charges at you. When he's flashing, he'll run at high speed for a while before shooting some sort of ice breath that freezes you for a while (or until he touches you). If you can leap over him and hit him again while he's running towards you, and keep this going like some sort of endless loop so that he doesn't do that, then he's really easy.

If you have the key, you can fight him from afar. But in my opinion, it's better to practice fighting him from close-up. You'll see why later.

Have I played this game, or have I played this game?

Stage 3: Crisis from Underground

Stand there at the beginning and you'll see a flying monster coming from the right. It attacks like the flying creatures from Stage 1, so you know what to do here.

Hold Down on the Control Pad and jump to go down the stairs. You'll see another flying monster come from the left after four steps, then another from the right after another step or two.

The monsters that hide in the ground take two hits to destroy. They shoot fireballs at you, but they won't be able to if you beat them to the punch and mash the B button.

You'll see two health power-ups here, but if you've been doing well, you won't need them.

You'll then have golf balls rolling down the hill from behind you. You can't destroy them, so double-jump over them. You'll see purple flying creatures that shoot fireballs when they land, but if you use the same tactics as from the beginning, you won't have to worry about that.

You'll find another health power-up. Go further to the right and you'll drop into the sewers. Walk to the right and you'll pass some sewer grates where both water and monsters come out - and damage you if you touch either. Sometimes the monsters will take a water slide ride out of the grates from behind you, so be careful. These monsters take two hits.

You'll then approach a river and a raft. Fishmen leap in and out of the water, but it only takes one hit to kill them. Just be careful not to jump off the raft and into the water when you go after them.


The boss here is some sort of giant kalamari or something...I'm not quite sure what it is. You can either stand still or walk around, but I recommend the latter to confuse the boss.

The splashes of water indicate where his arms are going to be, and they always follow the "right, both, left" pattern when the water splashes. Hit the octopus in the head as you double jump away from the arms. He'll dive down for a while, then he'll do the splashes again.

Keep dodging the arms and continue hitting it in the head, and it'll eventually go down.

Stage 4: Towering Catastrophe

Love the music in this stage. Just thought I'd say that.

If you keep going back and forth at the beginning, you can get a health power-up at the beginning and also an infinite loop of monsters that will (slowly) give you as many lives as you need.

When you're ready, jump on the fencing until you reach the top. On your way left, you'll fight off some monsters as well as sets of nails that act as spikes that you'll have to jump over.

You'll eventually reach the hook of what appears to be a construction crane. (Who knows?) Jump onto it, and it'll take you across the spikes. You'll have to fight off some enemies on the way, and you'll find a health power-up below the hook if you need it - just take care not to get hit by enemies or step on the nails while getting it.

The guys on the narrow pillars are tricky and take three hits to go down. They blink their eyes four times before they lower their arm for a brief instant and extend it. Pay close attention to them and jump at the correct moment - if you fall into the bottom of the screen, you'll lose a life.

You'll then reach the bottom of another area of the construction site. There are lions that breathe fire before they charge at you. Hop over the fireball, then hit them when they're close to you. The guys that slide on the slopes that you traverse to reach the top above take two hits, but if you mash the buttons as soon as they jump forwards, they won't be too much trouble.

When you reach the top, you'll meet some more lions and also find two more health power-ups. Go to the right and you'll eventually trigger an elevator. Once it starts going up, stay in place. Those flying enemies that you saw at the beginning of the stage as part of that loop will show up again, coming from either the left or the right. Here's where to face during this time, in order of appearance: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right.

Heh, they follow a specific pattern. Six to the left, six to the right, six to the left, six to the right, six to the left again and six to the right again. And I just meant to look that up myself, too! *insert "The More You Know" pic here*

The elevator slows down when you fight the last twelve monsters. When it stops, keep going right and you'll collect two more health power-ups...and meet the boss!


The boss here is a monster on a hook similar to what you just rode on during the beginning of the stage. Yes, you do take damage if you touch the hook. He'll zoom in, throw some balls at you, and them zoom back out. He always follows a specific pattern, too:

Down, Up
Right, Right
Left, Left
Down, Right
Right, Up

...and then it loops. It's pretty easy to learn once you get the hang of it, so after a while, you'll know when to jump.

The balls are easier to dodge when they're coming down.

If you double-jump over him when he's going left or right, you can secure more hits. Just be sure to dodge those balls he throws!

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