Sunday, July 2, 2017

HalfBlindGamer plays Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon - Part 11 of 11

"What happened?"

"Nothing, Link. We were just about to have a feast."



Reesong Palace

Unless you have the Fairy Lantern, the enemies will be invisible. You'll be dealing with Phyrandaii and Gargoyles in this section as you go right, drop down and go left to the archway.

When you make it to the second section, you'll meet Impa. According to the Triforce of Wisdom, you can only win by falling. Go right, avoid the falling rocks and enter the palace.

Light up the Fairy Lantern, then get to the next door. Jump on the rock to jump to the ladder. Take out the Goriyas and avoid the falling spikes.

New enemies are abound in the fourth section. Stone Heads.move around in circles and spit fireballs at you, while Flying Fish will try to home in on you. The second Stone Head carries a key, so kill it and take the key before you enter the next door.

The first door leads to Gannon, but you won't be able to open it yet. Enter the hole in the floor below the boarded up doors, Climb up the ladder when ou drop down and enter the archway. Destroy the Goriyas and avoid the falling spikes. The Goriya at the end has a key, so kill him and take it. Go back down and enter the grate at the bottom. You'll end up back at the entrance to the inside of the palace.

Head back to the door you skipped in the courtyard. Leap on the rock below the stone wall and then leap up and go left. You'll finally meet Gannon.

Gannon will kill you in three hits, so you'll want full health for this. Climb up the ladder, and try not to die. Throw the Wand of Gamelon at him and he'll be locked back in the Book of Koridai (I'm guessing this is the sequel to Faces of Evil.) 

Climb to the top of this room. Thankfully there are no enemies except for the falling spikes at the last door. Go in and talk to the King.

The King is saved, and Duke Onkled is forced to scrub all the floors in Hyrule. As for Link, you'll find out that Lady Alma's mirror (which we've never seen until now) was Link all along. How and why this was never addressed, as well as how and why Link was mentioned probably three times at most in the entire game, make up the biggest inconsistency I have ever known. Even stranger is that Link has no memory of how he got trapped in a mirror, with Zelda just shrugging it off by saying "Nothing, Link! We were just about to have a feast!" and Link saying "Great!" before Zelda and the King laugh.

If you couldn't tell already, you've just beaten the game.

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