Wednesday, May 18, 2016

plasticallan plays Jerry Boy - Part 6 of 7

It's time to storm the castle and set everything straight!

Stage 8-A

Oh, wow. The music is really good here.

Anyway, you'll be climbing ceilings to avoid guillotines and moving over spears that jut in and out of floors and ceilings.

The soldiers will jab at you with spears, since they know you're here and I'm guessing they don't know it's you. Or they just don't care. I'm going with the former.

Also, there's a guy spinning around with a heavy ball in his hands and a chef that tries to kill you with butcher knives and spatulas. The heavy ball guy is indestructible, so you'll have to wait for him to move around to get to where you want to go. For the chef, watch out for the spatulas, as they move in a zig-zag pattern compared to the straight line his knives fly in.

To get past the narrow ceiling at the beginning of the section, you'll have to quickly alternate between down and forward on the control pad while standing next to the wall. If you do it right, you'll slip through to the other side.

For the segment with all the blocks in the area, you can move past the darker ones. They're just part of the backgrounds. The lighter ones are the actual obstacles.

Leap into the stained glass windows to end the level. You'll fight a boss here, which happens to be Tom as a blob. He's pink and much bigger than you, and he'll try to swallow you and spit you into the spikes in the walls. Stay away from him and hit him six times. If Slime Tom does swallow, keep using your regular attack to pile on the damage!

J, E: You'll see these in plain sight as you make your way to the first pipeline in the stage.

R: The first R is at the very beginning of the second section.

R: Before going up that narrow gap with the seed, go all the way to the right after the first R and avoid the spears as you do. You'll find the second R. (Thanks to Snow Dragon's FAQ for finding this one.)

Y: When you make it out of the maze segment at the end, you'll see the Y.

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