Saturday, May 28, 2016

angryponcho plays Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - Part 17 of 41

We finally complete the level, and this time the way we do it is rather interesting...

Enchanted Towers

There's a challenge portal here that has Sgt. Byrd's sign next to it. Why is it not in the Challenge Portal section, you ask? Because playing as Byrd here lets you play the entire Enchanted Towers level with Sgt. Byrd instead of Spyro instead of taking you to a stand-alone area within the level. You can basically fly anywhere around the level you want.

This basically allows you to get another Dragon Egg mission. Turns out, it's a very obvious reference to Skelos Badlands from the second game as well as one of the Orb missions from it - the caveman Ooga's friend has lost all his bones. Yep, it's the same guy with the same skeleton friend. Guess what? Those dark blue dragon-like dinosaurs you had to beat up to take the bones back from? They're here, too. Beat them up with Sgt. Byrd's artillery to get the bones back and send them all back to Ooga for another Dragon Egg and another dancing skeleton cutscene.

Challenge Portals

Enchanted Towers

Once you complete the level, you'll be able to activate a whirlwind that wasn't there before. With this whirlwind, you can explore more of the level and find another Challenge Portal. Here, you'll have to get Farley the wolf back to his master. To do that, you'll have to take the ball that his master threw down the hole to not only get Farley to follow you, but also to get Farley to trigger the pressure plate switches on the floor (which are just like the ones in Sunny Beach from the previous game). Some of the doors that are powered by these switches will involve two switches instead of one, where you stand on one and Farley stands on the other.

If Farley comes into contact with an enemy, he'll chase it around, keeping enemies from attacking you so you can hit them with ease.

Some of these switch puzzles have really interesting solutions.

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