Thursday, May 26, 2016

angryponcho plays Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - Part 13 of 41

In this entry, the water is instant pain. Almost reminds me of Jak and Daxter, even though Naughty Dog made that and not Insomniac.

After we beat Icy Peak, we get another cutscene where Bianca practices her magic. She turns a rabbit into a ferocious beast and nearly gets eaten alive until Hunter saves her. She tries to zap Spyro but all she does is create a butterfly that Sparx eats for her efforts. She then walks off.

Spooky Swamp

The fodder here are crawfish.

There will be a gator chasing a firefly around. Flame the gator, then talk to the firefly. Apparently, they all talk in haikus.

Across from Homer (the guy you talked to), there's a giant candle. These are tea lamps. Use your flame on it to light it. There are four in the level to light up, and lighting them up opens up a passage to a Challenge Portal.

The big, angry mosquitoes dart at you nose-first when you're close enough. Hit them with a flame when they do.

Don't fall into the water. If you do, there's a good chance that there might be a piranha nearby that will want to make you into its next meal immediately.

When you meet Moneybags to pay him the 500 gems needed to open the door, even he speaks in haikus.

One of the tea lamp houses has an opening which leads to a platform which leads to the treetops. Here you'll find one of the Dragon Eggs as well as the key for the Key Chest.

Challenge Portals

Spooky Swamp

This one's pretty easy. Charge the bombs that the Wizard throws at you back at him and flame any of the gators he sends at you.

Your aim has to be precise, as the bombs go quite long and he's a pretty small target. When he's down to one hit left, he'll start throwing rockets at you that are quite easy to avoid. It takes four hits to defeat him and get a Dragon Egg out of it.

Also, as angryponcho mentioned, he has the same growl sound as Gnasty Gnorc. wut

There's also a Sheila segment here. After hearing her talk in haiku, you'll have to clear a path for the fireflies to bomb the cage and release the firefly eggs. Break the rocks with your kick, and headbash the mushrooms to lower them temporarily. Thankfully, the path is clearly marked. You'll be doing this twice for a total of two eggs.

Skill Points

Spooky Swamp

Destroying all the Piranha signs without leaving the level or entering a Challenge Portal gives you a Skill Point.

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