Sunday, May 22, 2016

angryponcho plays Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - Part 5 of 41


Sunrise Spring

Well, now that we're done with Cloud Spires, it's time to head to Molten Crater. To do that, find the portal that takes 10 eggs to open. There should be some sort of Tiki-looking guy named Rocky standing next to it. Since we have 20 eggs already, we'll be able to open it.

Also, we finally find out what those other people we've met that went back to the Sunrise Spring homeworld are doing: they're trying to bring down a balloon that will bring us to the next homeworld.

Molten Crater

You'll have to get to the Tiki lodge to get the other people to do something about the Rhynocs that are running rampant through the land.

The fodder here are slugs.

It wouldn't be Molten Crater without lava that burns you at the slightest touch, would it?

Flaming the flowers doesn't give you a skill point, sadly. I wish it did, too.

The smaller Rhynocs carry swords and shields, but the bigger ones carry whips. Beware the bigger ones, as they have some range with those whips. At least you can flame the big ones. You'll also have warthogs that charge at you.

Remember that treasure chest at the start? Well, you'll have to find the gold key that fits in the keyhole to open it. It'll be near the exit portal.

You'll see a door to another character segment, but you won't be able to get it yet until you free Sgt. Byrd later in the game.

Mushroom Speedway

The first challenge is just like the second game: fly through all the rings and destroy everything. Rings first, then dandelions, then spiders, then the butterflies.

Also, Sparx talks in this game. Interesting.

Also, beating a speedway in a specific amount of time doesn't give you a Skill Point. This is really disappointing, because every time I did this in the second game, I actually felt accomplished afterwards since they were the hardest to get.

Challenge Portals

Molten Crater

You'll find Moneybags again near a door close to the exit portal. If you pay him 300 gems, you'll be able to open that door and chase down thieves for two Dragon Eggs. The second thief is much faster, but you'll have access to the Supercharge power-up to get close to him and flame him.

Skill Points

Molten Crater

In that Challenge Portal area involving the two thieves, use the Supercharge on the ramp, then run into that cracked wall. You'll find an extra life butterfly, and if you get it, you'll get the Skill Point that goes along with it.

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