Thursday, May 12, 2016

frkonalsh2009 plays Batman: Return of the Joker - Stage 4

Boy, do the bosses here differentiate from the Batman norm or what? Especially the one at the end here!

Stage 4-1
Password: GNXF

Another autoscrolling level!

This time around, however, you'll be on the top of a train. Aside from the jetpack guys at the beginning, you'll also fight off what look like lizardmen in the coal bins. Whenever the lizardmen duck down, they're indestructable, so wait for them to stop crouching.

Stage 4-2
Password: KHCN

In the first section, you'll be dealing with conveyor belts and more guys that throw barrels. The second section will be an elevator. Shoot up at the battle copter that tries to kill you with its machine gun, and avoid the fire from the moving turrets on the walls. There are also two conveyor belts on this elevator. The left one pushes you left while the right one pushes you right.

The third section is easy, but the fourth section is another elevator, and it's anything but easy, especially when most of the elevator's floor is one big conveyor blet pushing you to the left and the wall turrets move in more complex patterns. When you make it to the top, the stage ends.

Stage 4-3

The boss here is a laser cannon system. Shoot at the big cannon in the center, and don't let the gauge above it fill up unless you want to get hit with a screen-clearing blast.

Besides the two smaller cannons at the side that fire downwards at 45-degree angles, you'll also have robots spanning the floor every so often. Charging up the Cross Bow and firing at the ceiling will get rid of everything, and even though you'll take damage, the boss will fall before you do.

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