Sunday, May 22, 2016

angryponcho plays Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - Part 6 of 41

Finally, an underwater level!

Seashell Shore

Start swimming, kid. Anyway, you'll have to free the seals from the jail that the Rhynocs put them in. Man, the Rhynocs are jerks.

Anyway, charge into the squids and the guys with the underwater bazookas when you're in the water.

The fodder here are birds wearing tiny glass domes for diving helmets.

Be careful with the seashells. Some of them are empty, but others contain enemies that come at you if you're close enough.

The Rhynoc sailors throw explosive barrels at you, but you can charge them back at them to finish them off in a rather explosive way.

Challenge Portals

Seashell Shore

There's a portal to a Sheila segment in the middle of the level. Here, you'll be helping seals take down a Rhynoc fortress and get a Dragon Egg as part of the spoils of victory. Use the headbash (or in this case, the stomp) to take down the turrets, and kick the enemies into the sand blocks to take more of the protective walls down in less time.

There's another one in the second underwater segment of the stage. Here, you'll have to go through a tunnel with a high-speed current inside, and you'll have to take down all the Rhynocs in one shot while avoiding the mines in order to make it to the end. You'll get a Dragon Egg if you make it to the other side.

Go up to the ceiling in the second underwater segment. You'll find the third Challenge Portal, where you'll have to defeat a shark submarine in order to earn yet another Dragon Egg. Just avoid the shark as it chomps towards you, and collect the boxes to get more ammunition. Take down the shark submarine's health meter and you'll win the day. Don't forget that you can speed up with the X really helps against the shark sub.

Skill Points

Seashell Shore

Near the exit is an aquatic chicken. (Yeah, a swimming chicken. Wrap your head around this, people.) It will swim around in a path much like the thieves', and if you can charge into it, you'll get a Skill Point.

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