Wednesday, May 11, 2016

frkonalsh2009 plays Batman: Return of the Joker - Stage 2

In this stage, you'll be dealing with quick platforms and a flying section.

Stage 2-1
Password: NMLL

The platforms are pretty fast, so be careful. This is especially true when you're trying to jump onto the next platform and take care of an enemy at the same time.

As you make your way through this stage, you'll be seeing electric barriers along the floor as well as in the most inconvenient places. They get even nastier in the second section as they act like pits of death. The platforms get worse, too, as they move around in a loop and sometimes have enemies riding on them.

Sometimes, enemies will drop power-ups, so be ready to get one when that happens.

For a game with short levels and stages, these levels are pretty unforgiving.

Stage 2-2
Password: NWKL

Now you're flying, and you can move anywhere you want.

Watch out for the human enemies. If they're not on jetpacks and shooting a laser gun at you, they're on a hoverbike and shooting missiles at you.

The blue things with the flashing lights underneath hold the power-ups, in case you're wondering.

Your shots will bounce off the spiked balls, so don't even bother.

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