Thursday, February 18, 2016

NintendoCapriSun plays Mega Man 4 - Part 4 of 10

We're at the last Robot Master already...?

Bright Man

Once you climb up the ladder further on the "main" path, you'll see those red and green platforms mentioned in the last entry again. This time, you'll be going from one platform to another while dealing with the projectiles from those red light bulb robots.

The only thing that Bright Man does (aside from the Flash Stopper, which freezes you in place) is jump around trying to land on you, while shooting bullets at you that goes in three directions at times. His attack pattern is a bit random. You could beat him with the Mega Buster (he's not that much trouble), but Rain Flush makes it that much easier since you can just launch it into the air and hit him regardless of where you are, which makes it easier to concentrate on dodging his attacks.

Beating Bright Man gives you the Flash Stopper.

Pharaoh Man

Ooh, boy. Pharaoh Man is one of the better Robot Master designs in the series, in my opinion, and the music for his stage shows how far the series has come to this point. It's just amazing what leaps and bounds Capcom had made in just four years with the Nintendo Entertainment System!

The flying bugs here at the beginning fly around and shoot bullets down at you, which can be pretty easy to avoid if you're paying attention. The scorpion robots move in at you, and dive in and out of the quicksand. The quicksand will definitely drag you down, but you should still be able to move around fairly quickly if you just keep jumping.

Once you get into the pyramid, you'll start dealing with mummy robots that pop in and out of their walls and launch their heads at you as part of their attack. They can easily be dealt with with a charged shot. The energy can near the beginning of the whole pyramid area is really easy to get with Rush Coil.

The platforms that take you over the spike pits also shoot bullets in two directions, so be careful when you get close so you don't get shot at.

If you have the Flash Stopper, Pharaoh Man is easy, as he leaps around very quickly and throws the Pharaoh Shot at you constantly. He has a charged version that also goes left and right across the room, too. Just activate the Flash Stopper, then keep blasting him with the Mega Buster until he falls. Just keep pressing the B button and you'll keep activating the Flash Stopper when necessary, as it last for about five seconds.

Beating Pharaoh Man gives you the Pharaoh Shot. Remember, you can charge the Pharaoh Shot up by holding the B button, and as long as you have it held down you'll have a huge Pharaoh Shot above your head that can also damage anything that touches it, which proves to be rather interesting.

Ring Man

Not only will you have red turrets sticking to the walls tracking your every move and shooting at you, you'll also have rainbow-colored platforms that disappear from one end to the other once you step foot on them. The best thing to do with these platforms is to jump onto the middle and try to jump to the end whenever necessary, since there is no way of knowing which direction they'll start to disappear.

When the background turns black, you'll be fighting a hippo on a platform. Shoot down the column holding up the platform, then hit the hippo with everything you've got while avoiding its missiles, which have homing capabilities. The platform will start coming back up, so alternate between shooting the column and the hippo every so often.

The ring monster that blocks your path exposes its defenses when it shoots its six rings out in an asterisk-shaped pattern. Hit they eyes when they're exposed with charged Mega Buster shots. You'll then fight another hippo.

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