Monday, February 1, 2016

PrinceWatercress plays Panic Restaurant - Part 3 of 3

Time to finally finish this game!

Stage 5 - Meat

Slip-slidin' away! Also, lag.

Another note about spikes: they don't care if you just took damage. They will still kill you. Mega Man 1 style. Thanks, game.

You'll be dealing with ice-skating ice cream cones, freezer pipes that shoot out blasts of cold air, popsicles that launch themselves into the air like missiles coming out a missile silo, and lots of spikes. Lots of them.

Jump on the platforms with the hooks underneath them to ride on them.

Watch out as you enter the deep freezer. Some of the fish will fall off of the hooks. After the deep freezer, you can play a Catch The Fish mini-game if you go up instead of down.

Afterwards, it's another deep freezer area with spike pits and ice platforms that fall when you land on them. This part can be very unforgiving at times, especially with more of those missile silo popsicles. Do yourself a favor: if you see one of those popsicles, let it go about its business. Then, and only then, will you not have trouble making your way across.

If you lose all your lives and continue, you start over at the very beginning of the stage. Yessir, this game is old-school difficult.

The boss here is a giant ice cream cone. Avoid its fruity layers as they slide across the floor, and whack the ice cream cone. When its cone starts spinning, it will act as a drill that destroys the ice blocks that make up the floor. Stay away from the cone and keep smacking it.

Stage 6 - Dessert

A sewer. Wonderful.

The pumpkins fly around in an arc. Unfortunately, the arc is more like a rainbow, and it just switches sides to be annoying. They're easy to kill.

Be careful near the waterfalls in the background, as surprise fish will come out of them. It's like the surprise cut blades in the first Mega Man game.

The cartons of french fries shoot their fries like bullets. They only jump straight up, so you can just lie in wait and whack them with whatever weapon you have on the way down.

Unlike the other stages, the spikes here are animated. You have moving stalactites on the ceiling and spears moving up and down in the bottomless pits.

The boss here is Ohdove. Here's how you beat him.

Move around with the D-Pad in all eight directions, and throw eggs at his balloon. Avoid his radishes, and pay attention to where he stops when he switches sides so you can easily smack the balloon with your eggs.

You'll have to be quick to pop his balloon, but here's a useful hint that will prove useful: he'll only re-inflate it when he's at the right side of the screen. Keep that in mind so that you can time everything right and get him right where you want him.

When you beat him, Ohdove will be no more, and your restaurant will be rightfully yours. Enjoy your lack of credits.

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