Thursday, February 4, 2016

DeceasedCrab plays Rocky Rodent - Part 5 of 16

Can you believe that I when I created this, there were no FAQs for this game on GameFAQs? I kid you not! There probably aren't any on there still!

Seriously, I made this whole blog series in September/October 2012. It's February 2016 now. There STILL aren't any FAQs on the game on GameFAQs. The fact that I predicted this is pretty sad.

Level 6: Metro Tower 1

Yep, you knew this was going to happen: there's a spike pit with a zillion hooks above it. This definitely isn't going to be the last time you see one of these, I'm sure.

The rotating red double hooks can definitely take you to higher heights. Just swing on them like normal and watch Rocky go and be prepared to bang your head again to latch on to another hook.

Balloons come out of the pipes and have hooks on the bottom, letting you go both vertical and horizontal. Just watch out for ceiling spikes...they'll pop the balloons!

Level 7: Metro Tower 2

Well, you've found the Monster Egg (why is it so small?), but now you've unintentionally dropped it and have to go find it again, hoping it isn't shattered into a yolk and who knows how many pieces.

New enemy here: guys in the elevator. They're a little hard to spot, but you can definitely tell what their faces look like. Hit them before taking the elevator, and hit them quickly so they don't throw stuff at you.

If you know what you're doing, you can get a huge time bonus here.

Level 8: Sunshine St.

You'll find the egg alright...and it talks. Pick it up, and try not to die. You'll get a red bird to pop out. This is Pecky the Lucky Chicken, and she basically follows you around to give you good fortune and...destroy enemies that make any contact with her. Nice.

Keep in mind that if you take the egg, you'll lose your hairstyle and you'll have to find a new one.

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